Recharging after the Meta Show - Important Self-CaresteemCreated with Sketch.

Know Thyself...

I have come to realize that physical activity is one of the big ways that I am able to recharge myself. It seems kind of counter-intuitive, I know, but getting up and moving around seems to reset my body, shake off anything that's bothering me and allow me to enter a state of zen/physical focus.

It would have been so easy for me to skip exercising this weekend, being at the show both days and I was very tempted to just crash...but I didn't. I have come to know this about myself, and in knowing this, I was able to make myself get to the gym for a HIIT session Saturday night and then out for a run last night. Apparently I needed the run more than I thought. My intention was to head out for ~5-6 km...and I ended up doing over 13 km.


With these shows, there's so much going on and I had done so many demos that I really felt that I had taken on a lot of energy from others. I did my best to ground throughout the show with my Ohm forks (136.1 Hz), and I was wearing one of my favourite Quartz crystals for energy protection, but there's only so much that those defences can do. I needed to shake off the accumulated energy, so I kept running until I felt that I'd done that.

I also treated myself to an Epsom salt bath to detox, relieve the stress and tension in my shoulders and neck from all the demos and release negativity. I have transitioned to exclusively using the Ancient Minerals brand of Epsom salts because I notice a huge difference in how I feel after a soak with this product. I do about 3 cups of their bath flakes per bath and usually add some essential oils like lavendar or eucalyptus. Divine.


How do you recharge? Do you have a self-care routine?

Stay tuned ;)

Jackie O


Exercise is definitely a great way to recharge and/or reset. Movement is immensely important, and it's something we're forgetting in our current world where we spend most of our days sitting and be sedentary.

Can't say that I'm a fan of epsom salts though -- my favorite way to wind down and reset, other than exercising, would definitely be playing with my dogs. Best way to wash away the stress and recenter myself.

@exhaust I've been wanting to get a dog for a while now. They're great at reminding us to take ourselves less seriously and just enjoy life. I'm waiting for the day that I don't live in a condo to bring one into my life though. I'd like to have a yard or somewhere they could run around.

What kind of dogs do you have? And how many? Do live in the city?

I've got two dogs (@exhaust is an account I run for a steem project I'm working on for runners / cyclists, which is how/why I found your post actually -- check out EXHAUST if you're curious!) that continually keep me grounded and remind me about what's important -- days at the beach, or the forest.

  • One pup, Helo, is a pug / fox-terrier and is about 10.5 years old. He was a birthday present for me when I was about 20 -- and we're best buds;
  • The other, Roadie, is a pug / boston-terrier and he's about 9 years old;

Myself, my partner @caitycat, and our two dogs live in a condo in downtown Victoria, BC. Some pretty solid hiking and parks aren't too far away from us, so it's manageable.

Lots of pics of the pups on my steem account, but this one is pretty good.

Awesome. I love BC. Victoria is absolutely gorgeous. I remember there being a very good vegetarian place downtown that did a kick-ass black bean burger. Is that still there?

Are you aiming to create a blockchain-based rewards program for activities with exhaust?

Those are some darn cute pups! <3

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