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RE: Tuesday Musings on Tao Te Ching: Chapter 6

in #tuesdaytaoteching6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for this @kennyskitchen.

I was looking for a decent translation of the Tao te Ching a few months ago wanting to contemplate Lao Tzu's words, or better to say signposts, to stillness. After going to my local library I couldn't find anything that wasn't some type of scholarly analysis rather than a translation. The links in your post have provided me with a collection to compare and contrast.

Also, I didn't know Le Guin had made a translation! She is one of my favorite authors and the Earthsea trilogy particularly holds a deep spiritual subtext for me. It shouldn't have surprised me that she was influenced by the Tao

The name you can say
isn’t the real name.

With so many references to creation through naming, and the magic of Earthsea so bound up in that creation

Two things, one origin,
but different in name,
whose identity is mystery.
Mystery of all mysteries!
The door to the hidden.

I found my first true inspiration to write poetry the first time I read the Toa te Ching many moons ago when I was 17 years old and this has reminded me why. It has started me thinking about maybe writing some poetry on steemit in response to each chapter. Food for thought :-)

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