
People call me crazy or paranoid when I refuse to go public about who I am on the internet. I guard my anonymity very carefully. Granted I know that if somebody works hard enough and long enough anybody's identity online can be revealed.

How many times have we seen people get fired, have death threats made against them, be disgraced publicly, or many other things that have happened to people because they chose to put their real name out on social media.

If you're going to put your entire life story, all of the people you know, your bookmarks of your favorite websites, your phone number, and your address don't be surprised when companies sell that information, or in this case give it away for free.

Don't be surprised when companies are hacked, and all of that information that you so freely gave is now in the hands of the hackers. The hackers who will do exactly as the companies do, sell it to the highest bidder or give it away for free.

exactly, I used to be extremely naive about this stuff, I used to think like "well who cares what people see about me, I'm not doing anything wrong" but lately you see people who also did nothing wrong getting bullied and fired just because they have the "wrong" opinions. It's getting really scary and "Orwellian" even and people need to start realizing this before it's too late.

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