chalk up ANOTHER WIN!

in #truthseekers7 years ago

As quoted from "TheyAreStupid". Trump screwed them all! He hid the funding for the wall in the military budget! I read some of the wording and he pulled one over on the deep state!

He said in his speech that the wall was needed for national security! Once a national security issue the military can be involved. He is going to use the army corp of engineers to build the wall. This takes the matter out of congress' hands. Now the president has full control over the wall being built!

Trump just made them fund there own demise. Good Night Deep State.

Search "Military Construction" in the bill. Yuge section!!! Money!! Lots of it! Discretion to Sec of Def and Army Sec. Waiving of regulations. Billions appropriated!!! Waiving of water safety EPA regulations. Approval for eminent domain purchases up to 100% of appraised land value. What do you think that language is for? The wall is going to be fast tracked! The EPA would have held up the wall indefinitely, now they are bypassed.

Trump has full discretion on how to spend the money. Congress has no say in how the money is spent. This is a bill, not a budget.
Trump outsmarted them again! Congress should have passed a budget!

Remember, during 0bama’s 8 years no budget was ever passed, only an Omnibus bill. This gave 0bama the power to spend the money however he wanted and Congress had no power to tell him otherwise. Trump said “give me money for the military and you can put whatever you want in “. .. and they did. Trump doesn’t have to spend the 500 million on planned parenthood, he can spend it on whatever he wants, or nothing at all, or the wall.

5D chess.

They should have read the bill. This NEVER would've passed if the deep state criminals took the time to read it!

I can't help but think that it would be a YUGE slap in the face to Nancy "we won't know what's in it until we pass it" Pelosi.

The wall is getting built. The swamp will be drained.


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