
in #truth7 years ago

Hi all iam truthfinder. This is completely new to me. So forgive me for any mistakes i might make.😊so long story short im a54 year old Australian male. I worked 30 years in commercial concrete.
Always wanting to please my bosses and workmates alike i was the type who can't say no when asked .NOW that was the main problem as so often happens people realize they can manipulate you because of your kindness. My body was completely pushed to the absolute limit because i couldn't say no and i let myself be taken advantage of. I did those 16 or more hours of physicaly demanding days. Sometimes 25 hours straight in the pouring rain or scorching 42 degree heat . I would average about 100 hours per week of non stop extremely physical work. I have had 12 separate operations due to my work. From snapped bicep tendons to muscles ripped off the tendon to spinal fusion. I never claimed workcover because i thought it might anger my bosses. I cant believe the amount of times i would do things that was good for the company just to be rewarded with more hours and harder work. The deals my bosses used to make with the unions were never for the benefit of the men. The deals always were only beneficial to the company. Basically as fatigued and as sore as i was,i was always sold to someone or for something just so the job gets completed . At no point did my bosses have my health concerns in thier mind. Or for that of my many many co workers. Our construction union was the cfmeu and it is they who have contributed to my on going pain . I have been on disability pension for 3 years. I didn't want to i just had to .at age 52 my body had finally given up. I would really love to be able to work but i know i cant so I'm just trying to create things in my garage,like outdoor tables made of concrete and tiles or pot plants .
Whatever i do i can do at my own pace so i can rest when needed and get into it when I'm having a better day. Unfortunately i am having to make them to try selling them but i have no choice i have to make some extra dollars because my pension only just covers enough for my bills groceries and petrol.
I am in this situation because i couldn't say no and people take advantage of that.
My bosses particularly and the cfmeu. Who are supposed to be looking after thier members but are turning a blind eye,Sometimes for cash sometimes for free tickets,why hell, i remember actually sitting in the site office on Bayview apartments complex in port Melbourne during its construction trying to get the sunday off .i told both my bosses and the unions rep that myself and the men were really fatigued. But sure enough we had to pour concrete on the sunday. As usual we were heavily unundermanned so most times 4 men were on the pour when union rules state that we should have 6 or7 men minimum. The price the union in that meeting with my boss was 2 slabs of beer.
I apologize for such a long introduction but i thought if you could picture one part of my life we create a more positive future. I do like to find the real truth so i thought id introduce myself with one off my own truths. In the hope people stopped being used as pawns .moral values and helping each other is how i would lovethis world to be. Thanks for reading. And i look forward to following.

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