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RE: The Georgia Guide stones. - Malevolent or Benevolent? - NWO or Philanthropic Ideologue?

in #truth7 years ago

Don't think that my first reply was trite, it was needed.
I'm not Christian or any other organised religion but do have a sense of spirituality. I will keep my views on 'God' to myself as they are different to many however I will say I have read all of the holy books of the Abrahamic faiths as well as the Vedic scriptures, Popul vuh and others.
The books of the New Testament that were edited out at the Council of Nicea in 325ad by the early Roman/Christians and discovered in Qumraan on copper scrolls are of particular interest to me as they give a fuller picture of the beliefs of the Essens of which Jesus was a part of.
The truth is very difficult to decipher with so many centuries passing and competing groups of secret societies, religious leaders and politicians changing past history to suit their current belief/ control systems.
All you can do is trust whatever faith you have, prepare yourself and your loved ones for the worst wjphilst hoping for the best.
But more importantly you have to enjoy life, it's precious, short and so wonderful.

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