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RE: Creation Truth Short - Age of the Earth

in #truth7 years ago

Hi there @gatmi, thank you for your detailed reply! Please accept my apologies for how slow mine has been!

We all need true friends. I am one of them. True friends love their friends enough to tell them the truth, not what they want to hear, but what they need to hear.

Ditto. :)

If it can be contradicted, it is not TRUTH.

I am surely looking for the truth, but a big difference between your position and mine is that while we both don't and can't posses infinite knowledge, I'm not claiming it while you are. That's why I think my position is more reasonable.

Additionally, what you said there is the exact reason I don't believe in the Bible - it's chock full of contradictions - both internal and contradictions with reality or in other words inaccuracies.

If your beliefs cannot change 2+2=4, your beliefs are not going to make the Eternal Creator cease to exist.

Could yours? I don't have to be able to change reality to notice that your belief that a God exists is unsubstantiated. Could you give me proof that God exists? If you can, shoot. But if you can't asserting it in 20 different ways doesn't make your assertions reaonable or substantiatied.

In the same way that you say that God exists, I can say the the universe was created by a green unicorn farting. Now please disprove my claim by changing the value of 2+2. That's an absurdity.

Please be wise, and humble yourself to the truth.

I'm saying the same to you, instead of arrogantly claiming to know something you have no way of knowing with any certainty, admit the fact that neither of us can know.

I need to tell you that I have a very hard time finding arguments of substance in what you have written here. You've written a few paragraphs that simply boil down to "I am right and you are wrong". I know that you believe that, but what are your reasons to believe that. Or better still, why should I believe you when you make that assertion?

God's Word defines itself
The whole Bible is truth.

That's the problem, all you attempts at reasoning are actually circular. You are basically saying that The Bible is true, because the Bible says so. Well guess what, I can as easily say that the universe was created by a green unicorn and I could give you this note:


The Bible by itself can prove as just as little as the ridiculous note above. To say that the Bible is truth you have to prove it. Otherwise, it's just an empty assertion. Muslims say the Quran is truth. How do you show that the Bible is correct, but the Quran is wrong?

Here, you are claiming that God is unjust to hold us accountable and punish us, because He did not give us the evidence of His existence "to our satisfaction."

Nope, I'm claiming that there is no good reason to believe a god exists and I'm pointing a contradiction in the idea that a just god would exist.

Like I said before, if you are your own god, then stop yourself from getting older, and stop yourself from dying, or go live on another planet, or stop eating natural food, or stop any of the functions God created you to live by, and see how long you live. None of us can put demands upon God. He gave sufficient knowledge for us to believe in our hearts. He is not going to satisfy the demands of our proud minds.

When did I made the ridiculous claim that I'm my own god? Why would I need to change reality? If you want to make the claim that a god exists, the burden is on you. Maybe you have to change all those things to show that the Green Unicorn isn't real.

So you admitting that there is no good reason to believe in a god, by saying you need your heart, not your mind to do so, right?

Your heart knows there is a God, but your head is wired with reasons and logic based on half-truths. A half-truth is a whole lie.

I specifically wrote this post to address your condescending and arrogant point to know what I think and feel better than me.

Secondly, your belief of "a large portion don't believe in God's existence" is based upon the false premise that "majority opinion determines truth."

Please stop substituting my points with straw men. I was demonstrating a contradiction in your claim and supported it with evidence. You can go back and reread what I wrote.

Believing is a decision.

Really. Can you please stop believing gravity. Believing is the result of being convinced that something is the case.

It cannot not be proven wrong.

Yes, and my green unicorn cannot be proven wrong either. So look into your heart and see the green unicorn there. You are either speaking for me, or substituting my points.

Atheist must demonstrate God does not exist!

Nope. The burden to prove god is on those who claim that god exists. If there is not reason to believe, I'm absolutely warranted to not believe.

Christians are not obligated to prove God's existence to anyone.

You are not obligated, but the burden of proof for your claims is on you. Just like you wouldn't believe Islam or Buddhism with no reason, I don't believe Christianity.

The evidence of order in the universe, the unchangeable laws that govern creation, the design of all creation, etc are infallible proofs of an Intelligent Supreme Being.

Sure. The Green Unicorn. Abandon your false god and bow down to the green unicorn.

If you refuse to do so, He has no other alternative than to give you the just punishment that you deserve for your violation of His righteous standards, because His Law of Conscience is written upon your heart.

I see. So your god is not all-powerful then? To bad, the green unicorn is all-powerful.

All your Bible quotes are as valuable to true truth seekers as my note from the Green Unicorn.

What I can say in defense of my personal conversion experience, is that it was life changing!

Life-changing isn't the same as true. Surely a lot of Muslims find their faith life-changing. But you claim you are right and they are wrong. This is not humble at all.

Thank you for the discourse. I appreciate your time and friendship. Have a good weekend!

Thank you and same to you my friend! :)


I apologize for the delay in response also, but I see that there is nothing that I need to respond to. You still want God and Christians to cater to your proud demands. You are deluded! No one owes you anything. You can believe lies if you want to. You alone will suffer for it.

A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed. (Matthew 16:4)

It is your choice to trust in your own understanding and deny the truth you know in your heart. No one is responsible to convince you of anything.

He that trusts in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walks wisely, he shall be delivered. (Proverbs 28:26)

The God that you refuse to deal with will give you what you deserve. One day your decision to refuse His truth will be your last decision in this world. His decisions are final.

Love you as a brother my friend!

I see. I'm sure you have good reasons for not wanting to answer the parts that were at least questions ;) I didn't know questions were proud demands.

You quoted 2 Peter 3:15 some time ago in this discussion. Don't forget to check 1 Peter 3:15 too ;)


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