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RE: Creation Truth Short - Age of the Earth

in #truth7 years ago

Hi there and thank you for taking the time to reply

I would be glad to answer your questions if you are sincerely seeking God.

I'm sincerely asking the questions and I'm interested to hear what you have to say on them. Seeking God is presupposing an answer and this is not a sincere way to ask a question.

However, from your attitude, I can see that you are arrogant bastard!

Isn't this type of judgmental attitude towards others a sin in your religion?

Your very first statement was telling me what I should and should not do.

The usage usage of the phrase "you should" was the colloquial way of expressing an opinion on what is a good thing to do, I though that was clear keeping in mind what the context is as it wasn't you in the video you shared.

You are on your way to an eternal Lake of Fire that you don't believe in, and your deluded beliefs will do nothing to change it!

Or we are both going to Muslim hell? Or going to face oblivion according to Judaism. Or we are going to get reborn as snails or something according to Hinduism. Or something else. Or nothing... If you could point out a good reason why your non-foolish beliefs are the truth, I would have no other option but to be convinced and to become a follower of Christianity.

No one is inferior to you.

Or superior. So I'm as entitled to my opinion as you. And since you shared something that I think is a problematic idea, I shared my opposing view. Isn't calling me foolish actually a claim that you are superior?

You're deluded by the lies of satan

Or your belief is guided by a spell of an immortal voodoo witch that wants to deceive you, so she can get your immortal soul? Isn't that just as likely?

You have been indoctrinated by the intellectual fools that profess themselves to be wise.

Logical people judge an argument by it's merit, not by who is making it.

If you just want to blindly believe those hypocritical liars that deny the truth in their hearts that is is your prerogative, but I am not going to waste my time with another proud, stubborn fool that thinks his opinion is superior to God's infallible truth.

Blind belief is in the grand magisteria of religion. If and when I believe in something, it's because I see reasons to do so. You talk about some infallible truth, but you can't demonstrate it and you are actively avoiding a few very simple questions. If you had infalliable truth on your side, wouldn't you be able to answer any question I would have for you?

If you sincerely want answers to your questions about the Scriptures that you don't understand, tell me specifically what Scriptures you "believe" are contradictory or untrue in the Bible, and I will be glad to answer them.

I asked you about 4 or 5 very specific things. Do you need me to show you the exact verses my questions are based on or you know your Bible well enough that you know what I'm talking about?

I have more important things to do than play around with proud fools!

Of course, it's a free platform, right, it's your choice if you decide to engage with somebody or not. But be careful not to put your immortal soul in danger by not following your holy book:

1 Peter 3:15:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

Only by pride comes contention: but with the well advised is wisdom. (Proverbs 13:10)

I see a lot of pride in you and your attitude, my friend. Don't forget to practice, not just preach.


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