People refusing to pay taxes due to US military

in #truth6 years ago

The US military budget is insane. And recently with Syria it has driven people over the edge. A group is organizing protests around the country of this. They advocate of giving money to good charities that will actually help people instead of killing people with war and giving money to banksters.

The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee supports individuals who refuse to pay for war, and promotes war tax resistance in the context of a broad range of nonviolent strategies for social change. Through the redirection of our tax dollars, war tax resisters contribute directly to the struggle for peace and justice for all.

NWTRCC is a coalition of local, regional, and national groups and individuals from across the United States. For everyone interested in or actively refusing to pay taxes for war, NWTRCC offers information, referral, support, resources, publicity, campaign sponsorship, and connection to an international network of conscientious objectors to war taxes.”



WOW. My deepest respect for these people. I am way too much of a coward to do the same and feel guilty about it. I am impressed that some people actually have the guts to do the right thing. Can only hope that it turns out well for them. If ALL of us would follow, it would be easy. They cannot put the whole population in jail.

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