Author and Finisher of Our Faith

in #truth6 years ago

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. — Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)


Jesus is not only the author of our faith,but He's the author of life. Thus to live a fulfilled life,one must fixed an undivided attention on Christ. It's amazing here cuz having looked at Him yesterday is not enough to overcome the storms of today. The word 'Looking ' connotes a continuity of action. Jesus Christ is the only qualified personality to be looked upon because of His track record: He's overcome everything for us,thus looking up to Him guarantee our victory over every affairs of life. He's the right hand son. He's the word of God. He's the answer to every question of life. He's everything to anyone that fixes his eyes on Him. Beloved,what you look at in any situation determines your decisions and ultimately your results. The world has thought us to look at academics qualifications, our families,spouses,children,siblings,relationship,relatives, connections,government,etc. But none of these leads to a tangible peace. Christ is still the only way out. Maybe you have unconsciously fixed your mind on the things you see right now. Maybe the challenges of life has succeeded in shifting your attention from the Master. Maybe the fear of failure , rejection and shame has shifted your attention from the Author of success. Today is another golden opportunity to make a new turn to Jesus Christ. He's the surest foundation for every life. Look unto Him everyday for everything, for He has never and will never disappoint you. May His presence overwhelm you daily as you look unto Him from this day. I love you.

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