8 Bitter Truths That Will Improve Your Life

in #truth7 years ago

Life has its ups and downs but it is how you deal with them that makes all the difference.

Here are 8 bitter truths with a lesson to be learned in all:

  1. Friends will come and go. It can be a hard thing to accept, but the people you spend time with now may not be around tomorrow. Lesson: There are so many amazing people in this world for you to meet and build relationships with.
  1. You won’t always get what you want. People are going to be late. They will let you down. Things that you want won’t always be available. Lesson: Don’t look for happiness in material possessions, and if things don’t go your way learn to accept them. Life’s too short to stay miserable.
  1. Some people may love you and some may not. There are may possible reasons such as jealousy, similarities between you, or maybe you just don’t hit it off with that person. Lesson: So what. It’s that persons problem to deal with not yours. Let them talk. You are perfect the way you are and you certainly don’t need their approval for self-esteem.
  1. Nobody can transform your life-like you can. The support and help of others can only take you so far. You are going to have to look to yourself to make the really big changes in life. Lesson: Do things for yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet. People you rely on won’t be around forever and you don’t want to have to depend on others to get through life.
  1. You are going to fail. “Only those who are asleep make no mistakes,” so the saying goes. Lesson: You can learn a lot from others but it’s your own failures that you will learn valuable lessons from. Learn from your failures.
  1. Rain will sometimes cancel play. So, you went to the beach and it rained the whole time? Lesson: Don’t stress over things that you have no control. Learn to live with things that happen. You may not be able to change the past but how you can change how you react to things.
  1. There may be no tomorrow. Let’s face it, I’m sure we all would like to live till we are 90 but that’s not always the case. There will be one day that is our last. Lesson: Make the most of each day. Make sure the people who you care most about really know how much you love them. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Spend time with the people you love and doing the things you love.
  1. Someone will always have more. There will always be areas where people have more than you. Lesson: Just because they have more doesn’t always mean they’re happy. Focus on what you love and not what that thing you love can get you.

What do you think? Please share so that we may all learn from each other.

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