Flat Earth - And why i don't believe in the NASA globe anymore

in #truth8 years ago

Since we were all children once and have grown even sure many of you remember the first attempts to understand our world and the interest in what it looks like and what kind of  shape does it have.

Then you were probably the world shown by a globe of your parents / teachers / educators. You were a child and have these people familiar. That what they told you was an important anchor point in your life what would shape your additional perspective and attitude to the world.

Sure you've always wondered how that could be because that other people are on the earth on the head and do not fall down. somehow a comic imagination. but this was by gravity - magic

Through years of conditioning and subliminal programming in educational institutions, television, internet, hollywood, magazines you have accepted the (round) world as a reality. You are blind followed a faith without checking ever because you get distracted anywhere, without the suspicion of fraud and having no interest in the truth.

I am concerned that are categorized by the mainstream press in the realm of conspiracy theories with controversial issues for several years. Did you that the term conspiracy theorists a battle cry is launched by the CIA in order to suppress information?

 Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories.  The dispatch was marked “psych” –  short for “psychological operations” or disinformation –  and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976. 

Source: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-23/1967-he-cia-created-phrase-conspiracy-theorists-and-ways-attack-anyone-who-challenge

The first time I heard of the Flat Earth in 2015 in the spring. A certain user alleged NASA and other institutions would be pleased kidding and lie after line and thread. The space program would be falsified, the moon landing did not take place and the earth is no ball. They were flat and covered with a kind of envelope firmament. At first I thought that would be the most absurd and craziest that I had ever heard. How is that supposed to lie to be so many people at the same time such a thing possible? And why?

But I could still very hard for me to imagine let me in on a little thought experiment and thought that I had this information that are declared as reality never verified as an adult. A bit queasy was me because I realized that this manipulation works so well because no one is counting on and it starts so early and is integrated into our lives.

That was the beginning of a wonderful journey in search of truth of our history and our place we call earth.

Many do not understand what the NASA which would pretend to us that the earth is round and just as the other planets. Would realize that the Earth is not a sphere and we would live in a kind of incubator they want to know like who hath built this incubator and where is he, people. The theory of evolution so that flies out of the window and as "foreign" worlds and other intelligent life forms from another star system. All this is part of the Alien Agenda which already for decades in Hollywood (Dream Factory) run at is around you to program on alien beings that are friendly to you and come to the rescue. Aliens are demons and thus minion of Satan.

I know how crazy must listen to all that. Please you tuh a favor and let you go through your head the whole and form thee not rush an opinion. There is already an information war on the Internet and there are various paid writers and disinformation agents on the go who will try this topic to discredit.

Listen to your heart the truth can not be stopped

As good entry point I recommend you to make you look at the search for a real photo of the Earth, already appeared Globuse by NASA to compare and search for the earth's curvature.

If you are a Christian you are welcome to first look in your Bible. It is the whole time been in there but hardly anybody reads correctly or try science with the word of God unite.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual darkness.

And the great dragon which hurled down - the ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. Hey what hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.


Good effort, you've got to be totally asleep at the wheel to believe all the inconsistencies of NASA.

Excellently explained.

Thanks for sharing the obvious and logical truth.

So where do asteroids come from?
How do you explain Haylee's comet?

Well put at a high level in summary, but this very deep indoctrinated belief we are all fed since childhood is perhaps the biggest mental knot an individual needs to untie, and it can take a while to do one's own research and critical thinking. The challenge for many, is to take the time, and then be able to sort the wheat from the chaff in this age of huge mis- and dis- information that abounds.

I forgot to reply, a couple of days ago I searched for flat earth and saw your post - I upvoted it but didn't reply.
I apologize for that, but I am a newb, only 3 days on steemit...

Please leave me a comment:

Thanks for being here (on a level plane) steem on!

keep it up. Got my follow, @digestourself

Excellent post. I have only very recently had my eyes opened to this. And I find it mind blowing. I'm late to finding this post but you've definitely got my follow.

nice to hear i could help. also remember truth should be always free dont buy stuff or books these guys work for their ego or money and not to bring a change or serve truth ;-)

Someday everybody will see the truth and must accept it!!!

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