The Body in it's Simplicity.

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

..The Body in it's Simplicity..

There's no such thing as cures for diseases as there's no such thing as disease.

Disease is not a foreign entity, it is a bodily process.

99.9 % of all illnesses is lifestyle related.

Pain and pleasure is the bodies feed back loop back system that tells you if you are doing something right or wrong.

Everything is Cause and Effect (root and symptom).


You are banging your head on the wall which results in developing a headache.
In this case the banging your head on the wall is the cause/root and the headache felt is the effect/symptom.
Now you wouldn't take a pill (treating the symptom) in the hopes to fix the problem (the cause).
The logical thing to do would be to stop banging your head on the wall as that would fix the cause to the headache.

First call of Action for treating any disease:

"Find the cause and stop adding to it!!!" (stop banging your head on the wall).

Do not put the cart before the horse.

Treating cancer is the same as treating the symptoms.
Treating the symptoms is not treating the cause.
Treating the symptoms is interfering with the bodies communicating system.

"Treating the symptoms is something that the Allopathic community know all to well".
"You cannot poison the body back to health".

What you want to be aiming for is treating the cause/root.

Everything is chemistry.

The wrong foods will cause a problem and the right foods will fix it.

The body is the healer and all you need to do is get out of its way unless you are really damaged, then its advised to support it.

All diseases comes from the body not being able to eliminate its own waste matter.

There are two sides to chemistry.
One side is acidic and the other side is alkaline.
One side is corrosive and the other is based.
One side damages the cells and the other does not.
Can you guess which is which?
Cellular waste is Acidic.
A cancer cell is a "highly Damaged Cell".
Can you guess which sides of chemistry Meat, Dairy, Grains are in?

Meat, Dairy, Grains, Processed, foods with Chemicals/Addictive are all acidic mucus forming foods that promotes the bodies cellular bathroom (the Major Lymphatic System) to become constipated. When this happens it is called Acidosis.

If cells cannot push their waste out then the waste will find home in the cells. When this happens it is called Interstitial Cellular Constipation.

And since you are made out of two fluids and trillions of cells with each cell consuming and producing waste it would only be a matter of time for your cells to become damaged and the symptoms of sickness to start appearing.

If the body were to push out this waste purely through the skin you'll end up with skin issues, through the lungs you would end up with asthma and etc...

The Two Fluids:
One is your Blood and acts as the bodies Kitchen providing nourishment and hydration to all cells, and the other fluid is the Major Lymphatic System and acts as the bodies sewage system for cellular waste.

The key to creating health is to get all your channels of elimination flowing.

The Major Lymphatic System runs parallel to your blood system, from the tip of your toes to the tip of your head.
The Major Lymphatic System is the bodies’ drainage System.
The Major Lymphatic System is where your cells damp their toxic waste.

Note: all illnesses come from having a congested Lymphatic System.

Note: unfortunately one inherits the Lymph of their mother.

Note: aren’t like the blood system, the Major Lymphatic System has no pump. So you need to promote its flow by moving the body.

Note: if the Major Lymphatic System is congested it is advised to avoid excessive exercises as this would create more acid to be produced in a body that is already struggling to eliminate it.

In this case, dry skin brushing, cold hot showers, saunas, yoga, deep breathing and message, anything that would stimulate its flow is recommended.

The Cells damp their waste into the Lymphatic System where it travels to the lymph nodes where it gets broken down and from there it continues through the Lymphatic System until it reaches the kidneys where it will get filtered out of the body.

Kidney filtration.

The kidney filters out Lymphatic waste through the urine.

The right kidney will filter out the right side of the body and the left kidney will filter out the left side of the body.
However most people kidneys are weak and damaged and are no longer filtering.

A good way to know if your kidneys are filtering is by urinating into a clear jar and check to see for sediment.
If there's sediment in your urine, then your kidneys are filtering.
If there's no sediment in your urine (regardless of colour), then you are not filtering.

Cleaning the body (detox).

As a soldier would clean his rifle after firing or whenever it gets dirty to prevent future faults and stoppages, the same applies to the human body.

Detoxing the body at the Cellular level is key.

How to Detox.

Fruits not only provide nourishment and hydration to the cells but also acts as the bodies cleanser... Acid fruits are the most stringent. Grapes mixed with lemon are a powerful combination...

Note: Acid fruits carbon ash print (once digested) is Alkaline.

Herbs help to strengthen weak or damages organs/glands and are handy for repairing DNA and for strengthening and giving the organs of elimination a boost..

Vegetables will slow down the detox process.

Cooked vegetables will slow down the detox process even more.

Nuts and seeds will stop the detox process.

All other foods will have a reverse effect to the detox process.

4 most effective ways to detox the body.

  1. The most effective way to detox the body also happens to be the simplest way. Dry fasting (no eating and no drinking) is the most effective way however it's not something that you can do continuously.
    Note: you could incorporate dry fasting maybe one day a week and build up to two days a week.
    Note: dry fasting promotes kidney filtration.

  2. The second most effective way is: A water fast or fresh juice fast.
    Back in the day it would be recommend to do a water fast, however things have changed since then. Our bodies are more damaged and the environment is more toxic, so therefore a Fresh Juice Fast is recommended out of the two.

Note: Chew your liquids and Drink your Solids (mix you Saliva).

Note: A fresh juice fast ( black Grapes with lemon is a powerful combination) will provide the cells with all the nourishment they need without wasting energy on digestion, which means more focus and energy for healing.

Fasting Note: any fool can start a fast but it takes a wise man to break a fast.
There are ways one should break a fast.

Breakfast means break-fast as you naturally fast as you sleep. Learn how to break a fast correctly.
Not breaking a long Fast correctly can be dangerous.

3, The third most effective way is: A mono fruit diet. Pick one type of fruit and stick to it.

4, The last effective way is: a all fruit diet.

Note: fruits will expose your weaknesses.

Note: all fruits must be ripe!!!!
Consuming unripe fruit will add to the problem.
Bananas are the only fruit that ripens after picked.
The rest just ferments and rots.
Pineapple and kiwis are notorious for being picked unripe.

Note: acid fruits are the most stringent (effective).
Sub acid fruits are the second most stringent.
Sweet fruits such as bananas are not good for detoxing.

Melons are great.

Note: do not mix your sweet fruits with you acidic fruits.
Do not mix melons with any other fruits as melons digest quicker than any other fruit.

Cleansing Effect.

It is only natural when detoxing to feel worse before you start to feel better.

As you detox your body will have to work through filtering fresh toxins (cellular waste) as well as a back load of old toxins.
This can be a burden on your organs of elimination as they were already weak and were already struggling. This is where the herbs play their role.

Note: there's an art to detoxification and you are the artist as only you can feel your body.

Note: You will feel toxins trying to escape the body in all different ways.. this might make you look and feel worse than before.
This is only natural, and you could either push through it or slow it down.

Bowel Movements.

It is important to get a bowel movement each day.
A healthy person would get in average 3 bowel movements a day.

Note: if struggling to get a bowel moment consider doing a colonic or a enema.

Note: enema kits are cheap to buy and simple to conduct.

In summary:

Get your lymph flowing, your kidneys filtering, repair your glands, clean out your GI track, hydrate your cells and you'll be in for a treat.
Remember listen to your body and not your addictions.

Extra notes:

You cannot attain true knowledge if you have false knowledge in its place.

3 stages of knowledge

Note: Do not fully trust anything that seeks to take your responsibility away.

Coping with Stress.
If it comes, let it
If it goes, let it
And you’ll find peace.

-Peace, Love & Light

#Solidfoodvacation Day 66



I'm sorry but this is such an incredibly bad understanding of health and the human body. Please go and put some effort in to learning before you start misleading people about health and their body.

Here are just some random things I'll correct you on...

  • "The kidney filters out Lymphatic waste through the urine."
    No the kidneys filter blood, not urine
  • "99.9 % of all illnesses is lifestyle related"
    Not even close, in the developed world non-communicable disease is more common but problems like malaria and TB still plagues the vast majority of people on earth.
  • "Treating cancer is the same as treating the symptoms"
    Treating cancer is NOT the same as alleviating symptoms, in fact the treatment often makes a patient feel worse. But it will save their life.
  • "A cancer cell is a "highly Damaged Cell""
    A cancer cell is a rapidly proliferating cell. You could say it's genome is damaged but in many ways it's healthier and happier than the rest of the body.
  • "since you are made out of two fluids"
    Which of the following fluids are you ignoring? Intravascular fluid, blood, lymph fluid, saliva, urine, chyle, cervical mucus, intracellular fluid, tears etc...

I'm not wasting more time correcting you, but please don't post this stuff again. It actively hurts the health of real people.

Please your Allopathic medical science is that to the equivalent of a restaurant owner bombarding trip advisor with fake reviews of his own restaurant.
"They are making customer".

More people die from the treatment of a disease than the disease in its self.
One of the worlds biggest killers is prescribed drugs.
A cancer patient that receive no treatment will live in average 10% longer than a patient who does.

The two fluids.
One is the blood and acts as the kitchen providing nourishment and hydration to the cells and the other is the lymph and acts as the bodies sewage system for cellular waste.

So go and take your Baaaaaaaa back to your herd.

Fortunately we've billions of patients worldwide who'd contend otherwise.

"More people die from the treatment of a disease than the disease in its self.
One of the worlds biggest killers is prescribed drugs.
A cancer patient that receive no treatment will live in average 10% longer than a patient who does." where do you come up with this junk?

Lymph doesn't remove waste? That's what blood is for! Lymph fluid is generally used for immune functions!

Right cause blood remove the acidic waste produce by every cell in the body.
Do you know what would happen if the ph of your blood changed?
My statement and understanding of the body is correct.

Never trust anything that seeks to take away your responsibility.

Now baaaaaa back to the herd with your customer creating fake allopathic medical science.

... it does remove the acidic waste. And blood pH doesn't change because it's a buffered system. I actually just wrote about how that works here. Just scroll down.

Not knowing how the body works is one thing. But being both ignorant and claiming you understand is just insanity. What's really horrible though is going on to try and persuade others.

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