It's Time To Stop "Condemning" The Military Occupation Of Palestine, And Do Something About It Instead

in #truth7 years ago (edited)


According to Amnesty International there are 600,000+ Israeli settlers living on occupied Palestinian land, and more every day.

We all know possession is 9/10th's of the law, they will never leave.

If you are new to the Occupation of Palestine, I suggest this great article: ISRAEL'S OCCUPATION: 50 YEARS OF DISPOSSESSION to get you started on your journey towards truth, truth which we never are shown on mainstream media.

If you have any questions, or would like to know how you can help End The Occupation, please ask.

I'm always here,

<3 @LyndsayBowes


Only one side has gained through violence! Sanctions against Israel are WAY overdue!

Absolutely @lecrazycanuckeh! I was actually quite shocked to see this article in the mainstream media in the spring: 66% of Canadians say sanctions on Israel would be ‘reasonable’: poll

Seems we are not so few and far between anymore! Thanks to everyone speaking out and sharing the truth via social media, folks are starting to wake up en masse to the atrocities committed by the zionist occupation.

Hmmm...smells a bit like hasbara. Factoids are funny things, just like statistics. ANYTHING can be proven with statistics.


P.S. Why do you upvote your own comment?

I merely commented on a 'scent in the air'.

Hasbara is positive PR/propaganda regarding the state of Israel.

As for a rebuttal, I suggest you familiarize yourself with The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. It is a good place to start, because based on your original comment, it seems as though your knowledge base only goes back about 70 or so years.

It is important to keep in mind that history books are penned by the victor.


@homalinadir, looks like you hit a nerve, he has erased his 60 paragraph comments!

I know, reading can be hard for some people... Why didn't you reply on your other post to the screenshot of you admitting to your desire to murder people, like you asked me to provide? Didn't read it?

Why can't you answer what are reasonable questions, like what's the name of that land you want to ethnically cleanse of Jews? (And from '49 to '67 there already was apartheid there, no Jews allowed.)

I erased the "60 paragraphs," because there is no point in arguing with "people" who want to murder, and won't read. (It also happens to prove that your hasbara claim/agreement to claim, is false, but you won't see that.)

But here's who you want to give rocket launchers to... From this morning, this Palestinian was in Israel illegally, with weapons, in order to kill at random. The media keeps calling him a "boy" to create a false narrative. This while Israel/Jews have no right to search people, or guard their own border, as you imply in your rocket launcher "song..."

You ready to admit there are 2 sides, and thousands of years of history to this thing? What's the name of that land you want to remove the Jews from....? Just admit it Lyndsay...

I like toast 🍞

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