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RE: "The Bad Man:" Outrage, Sensationalism, Distraction, and Exploited Good Intentions

in #truth6 years ago

Your first picture reminds me of Abby Martin in the opening of Breaking the Set. Once again, good post. I'm a little angry at how alternative media is being targeted (nothing new, right?), but all the emphasis (by corporate media) has been on bashing polarizing personalities like Alex Jones. My anger is directed at the months-long attempt at silencing alternative media sources like Telesur and shows like Empire Files. Nary a peep (either + or -) from corporate media about this silencing. It has been ongoing for months but who cares? It kind of reminds when Nixon had the Great American Dream Machine taken off of PBS back in 1971. Nary a peep.


Yeah Jones is getting the attention now but there are plenty of people being hit. YouTube and the is even going after stoner/ comedy based content that covers the news in a way that they don't approve of. Last year (or maybe it was 2016) a fairly liberal comedy focused podcast called The Drunken Peasants was labeled as alt-right and largely had their ad revenue removed because they dared to give a platform to right-wing guests (mostly to argue with them, by the way) and various other internet nut-jobs. Then, the media dug up an old episode of their show, where they had interviewed Milo Yiannopoulos and found the clip that destroyed his career but because it came from that particular podcast and they were taking the clip out of context (I have actually watched the full 2 hour interview, and, despite not liking the guy, that is undeniable), they gave no or very little credit to the source and called them an "obscure right wing podcast" featuring "host" and "unidentified" to avoid having the actual video seen and to keep their viewers from finding an alternative news source. The worst thing was that they ignored the fact that the only reason the clip existed is because those people allowed him to speak freely, while they patted themselves on the back for "exposing" him.

Sadly, that show is no longer what it once was because most of the original hosts split off to do their own things.

I will check out that Empire Files thing. It is sad to see this happening and to see people supporting it, not knowing that the same thing will happen to them at some point.

Yeah, it's been happening for a while. Jessie Ventura got hit a little as did Jimmy Dore. They haven't been taken off but they have been defunded. Much like what happened to the Drunken Peasants. It will continue to happen unfortunately since too many have their heads up their asses. Like Joni Mitchel wrote, "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot."

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