Democracy - Just Another Ramble! Or Is It?

in #truth6 years ago


In numerous democratic nations out there we see an Upper House and a Lower House. Some democracies use various names for these bodies like for example Senate, Congress, but what it boils down to is that two decision making bodies exist within the policy making process.

In no democracy can dead people sit in either of the two decision making bodies. There may be a time limit on how many days a person can be “sick” in the sense of “unable to perform their duties” and if someone goes over that time limit, it’s GOODBYE!

Back to being just a regular voter and if that person wants back in, they need to wait for the next elections and start from scratch.

Then there is the other end of this stick!

The voters.

People vote and dead people can’t vote, sounds logical. What about when a person votes today and then dies tomorrow?

Well their vote is still valid and counts at the time of voting. HOWEVER their vote isn’t valid for INFINITY!

Their vote is for a term (set period of time). When the next election period comes in, they can’t vote, because they are dead!

Basically, every vote is valid for a set term, nobody’s vote is valid for infinity!

OK, so everything I have written so far is OBVIOUS to everyone who reads it and who understands the basics of live people voting and dead people being unable to vote.

So too, it is so sarcastically obvious that no vote is valid for infinity!


You, know, I have spent a fair bit of time in a former eastern block state (ex communist/socialist republic) and I have seen so much BS as far as not respecting democratic values and morals go. Where the policy making bodies rig policies for their own good and nobody does anything about it.

Why doesn’t anyone do anything about it?

Because the voters are so used to a dictatorship and live by a creed of “as long as they don’t beat/kick us, it’s OK”. Likewise most people are so dependent upon the corruption which is a way of life. It isn’t good, it isn’t right, but it functions, sort of! Far from good or right, it is disgusting, but I won’t judge, I’ll just state it as it is.

One thing that I have seen in many of these new democracies is something that is sometimes referred to as “A dictatorship of those who hold the majority”.

Yes, this is exactly as the name suggests.

Who holds the majority does whatever they like and the minority is simply helpless!

Yet the crazy part is that the “majority” are in fact just a handful of people in comparison to the voters!
Yet it all seems to be an absurd cycle that just keeps repeating over and over again!

I think that all these experiences have made me appreciate those that respect authority, that handle it responsibly and do not disrespect others just because they approach issues from different angles.
These life experiences have made me fully understand what it means when you hear a saying along the lines of “Give a person the power to rule and then you shall see their true being/character” or any other version of this, it all leads to the same conclusion.

The sad part is that these people who do all these authoritarian actions actually try to justify their actions!


No comment = full stop, period, dot, end of story!

Makes me wonder sometimes!

You know, I wonder how many of the people who voted for Witnesses on Steemit are literally deceased!

You know, DEAD.


Clinically dead! Literally no longer with us!

Never thought of the zombie option!

I understand that I’m not a Witness in the TOP 20 and unfortunately there is no upper or lower house here where I can voice my concerns on topics such as this!

Yet when stating the truth transparently, openly, publicly like this, each and every person here can’t help but fear the wrath of those who do not like seeing the truth mentioned, especially when it concerns “THEM”.

Ohh well, who cares.

I love it, seen it in the “former eastern block” so it’s nothing new to me.

Having watched people stand up and rally against injustices all over the “Western” world, I can’t help but ask myself WTF is going on here?

Why the double standards?

Where are the people who will stand in front of the Whitehouse and yell out at the government when they believe that a wrong has to be corrected!

I don’t blame those who abuse the system, after all, Stalin was supposedly quoted:


“Commissar (communist version of a VIP politician) are the people whining and complaining?”


“Yes comrade Stalin.”


“Then tax them more and enforce the police state even harder.”

Same question month after month, same answer. When after a few years, the Commissar comes in and answers:

“No comrade Stalin, the people are finally not complaining and they are all quiet”

Stalin answers:

“Ohhh f#ck, time to stop abusing them , give them a break and tell the tax officers to scratch out some debts for the poorest of people, that should get them complaining again”

Point of the story is:

Don't worry about the dogs barking at you, it’s the quiet dog with the evil “I’m going to tear you apart” look that is dangerous!

So, don’t fear me, I’m currently barking, as you can see in the above post!



Good point @jackmiller

  • Not just dead voters. Apparently a LOT of the top 50 witnesses are no longer around. Not posting, not supporting the platform, I believe some of their servers are also offline...
    • And only showing the top 50 witnesses seems to be a sham to me. This is the Internet. It would not be hard to program that page to list all witnesses. Paginate if you want... This rigs it so those in the top 50 are likely to stay there...
      • And so many of the witnesses are cloaked in darkness. No one seems to know who some of the actually are. Even though this is a decentralized open blockchain, much info is hidden from most people.
  • It really wouldn't be too hard to program up some term limits. You sign on and receive a notice that your vote for such and such witness is 180 days old and has expired. Would you like to vote again for this person or chose another? This would still heavily favor the incumbent, but at least would give a chance for finding new blood.
    • The witness page should also link to the latest witness thread. How can a multi-million $ company not do something so simple, yet there is a witness (drawing a blank which one) who posts quite often with this info?

BTW I just voted for you as witness...

All very good points.

Appreciate the vote of confidence.

Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

Hey mate.
I love our democracy. Don't always like the results!
I love the process, and the respect it (mostly) has from us ordinary aussies.

It works, unlike what I've seen elsewhere!

I do have to say, I still appreciate and enjoy many things about our democracy. That being said, I think that it has stagnated in the last 30 or 40 years. Sometimes it is hard to consider how much it still operates in the pre-computer age. With the incredible advances that have been made, it seems unreasonable not to let them influence democracy. Finally, the average person has the ability to debate and vote, yet we still only allow a select few to actually make decisions. I wish I could see a change in this coming sooner. I want to have a more direct voice in my government, but for now I matter much less than I can.

Fully agree, especially in this day and age!


I like the Stalin story. An evil genius he indeed was.

I quote him again:

"voters don't matter, it's the people who count the votes that matter"

Politics are just a damn distraction.

By voting, you are just playing the game which they are now controlling to some extend.

Some things you can only change with power.

The use of force here is in the POS factor that is used when "convenient".

While this was built on the revolutionary concept of Proof of Brain.

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