The Pursuit of Truth

in #truth6 years ago


The Pursuit of Truth

We live in a world where truth is a thing not met that often, most people are just living fake lives because someone made them believe it is cooler than just being authentic humans, they think that other people will like them more if they pretend to be somebody else. It’s a schizophrenic society where everybody is acting one way in one environment and some other way in another context. Youngsters who pretend to live the good life on social media just to get some worthless likes when they, in fact, hate their lives and try to fill that gap with the fake appreciation of others.


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Also, besides the fact that most people are fake, humans barely get to feel the taste of truth since so many mass media platforms are just spreading nonsense for clicks. People like to get fake news; they like living in a fairytale and mass media likes spreading them since they are making good money. In such a society, truth becomes this rare gem worth pursuing by anyone with a bit of dignity, the pursuit of truth becomes a lifelong journey that not many have the balls to take up.

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Fake People

As I said above, people are just acting fake either because they think they will be judged and marginalized by others if they are authentic or because they want to be perceived “cooler” than they are only so they can be liked by some other stupid people. The reason why our whole western society is acting this way is that people are insecure about who they are. They think they are not good enough for the world and don’t want to share the real them with others, they have all kinds of insecurities, and inner problems and all they know is how to hide behind a fake mask of coolness and bullshit.


Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

This way, they are “forking” themselves, they have multiple fake personalities until they get to a point where they don’t even know who they truly are. Also, one thing I fucking hate is people lying to other people just to “protect” them from the truth, but the only way to protect and help your peers is by sharing the truth with them.

I would take the truth over anything, regardless of how devastating it could be and that’s one of the reasons why I’m trying to share my truth at all times. Yes, sometimes times I am doing, even if I know that I could be perceived as a jerk, because in fact, I love speaking my truth, I love seeing the surprise on the people’s faces when I tell them what I think. For me, the truth is like a drug, I’m addicted to it, and that’s one of the reasons I’m writing these posts, to share my mind freely with other people that love the truth and resonate with my words.

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Fake Reality

The reality of most people is polluted with crap from mass media as I mentioned in the intro, from their relatives or any other entities they perceive as authorities and try to impose their false ideas on them. Because we all let the guard down when we trust someone, the ideas these people are sharing with us, often flawed, can impact our lives directly, from a young age, making us unable to see the truth, making us live in a fake reality.


Photo by Franck Veschi on Unsplash

You have to get to a certain level of awareness to be able to analyze their ideas and decide what’s fake and what you should follow. Because they were fed lies, they are flawed, so the views they will transmit to you are not going to be always the reality. But this, analyzing the information and finding the truth about what’s going on, on this planet is a lot easier than finding the truth about life in general.

If you look at history, at the views of the past philosophers, most people in the past lived in an illusion and probably, hundreds of years from now people will look at us, laughing and thinking how underdeveloped we were. I don’t think we can ever know the truth about life until we transcend it but, if there’s still a chance of knowing the truth while we are in this body, this journey is still worth pursuing.

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The pursuit of truth is the journey I have knowingly or unknowingly dedicated the last few years of my life to, learning, improving myself and then sharing my truth is my gift to the world. Even if I risk being marginalized like Socrates, I will still cut through bullshit when I see it. If you don’t let people know they are wrong when they are spreading their bullshit, they will go on with their lives thinking they were right, do them a favor and tell them the truth even if they will not accept it and deem you for it.


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I urge you to join this journey too, if you haven’t already because, even if people will be resistant and not accept what you’re saying, those who have ears will listen and you may if not change lives, at least help a few people. Is not going to be easy but you can only achieve true happiness if you’re an authentic being thus, this is the journey worth pursuing the most.

Think about this, how did people react last time you shared your truth? Tell me in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to get back to everyone.




It took me quite some time to finally understand the magic of being ourselves crystal clear and always tell the truth no matter how painful. My life has certainly changed for the better by following such principles.

Yeah, it's a damn amazing thing, it's all about picking great values and sticking to them no matter what.

I wish I could upvote this more than once.

I agree that "fakeness" really hurts us because no one ever wants to say what they mean. It also makes it difficult if you are one of the few people that do try to be "real" because the avrage person on the street doesn't know how to handle it when someone speaks truth to them. Instead of listening, they get upset and call the truth teller as an asshole or something.

I agree, a lot of the average people don't know how to handle it, and they just react negatively, but you know what? It's better if they go away, we don't want that kind of people around us, let them think we are assholes, they have no idea what's going on. ;)

Agreed. I have always said there is virtue in not giving a shit lol.

Excellent reflections, I agree with all of them. People who have heterodox thoughts are scarce. It's really complicated to escape from the illusion of well-being, justice and freedom created by nation-states. I feel fortunate to be one of the fugitives.

I know the kind of illusions you are talking about, most people have no idea they even exist, sadly.

many people do not like to be told the truth, sometimes the truth is painful but it is better to have a clear conscience and walk with the truth, many people think that saying a little pious lie will not affect much the situation we live, but there is a saying that says: the lie is always discovered sooner or later.

It may be painful sometimes, but the truth is the truth, it has its beauty. It's not even about the lie being found out or not but about what that lie does, regardless.

Make truth great again :)

Absoulutely. People tend to escape their boring uneventful harsh realities by creating these fake scenarios. It is the worst mistake anybody can ever make: to alter their real lives, or fork them like you said. They think it makes it better but all they do is create useless intangible illusions for themselves. If anything it actually makes it worse, because 1. It is absolutely unsustainable, obviously because its NOT real, and 2. Anything that isnt real will absolutely gets exposed.

Like you I value truth above all things, especially in my relationship with people, not only truth in speaking but in acting too.

And ya, definitely. The pursuit of truth above all things. I'm glad you mentioned Socrates, it goes to show how our society have always encouraged lies by rewarding truth with evil. So ya some people might be skeptical about it, but I'd like to believe that if I were in such situation I'd do what Socrates did. I definitely pray for the strength.

P.S I do miss following your blog, I know its been a while I've commented. Been busy with a couple of things lately. Have a nice day bro.


This is how I have tried to live my life. Let me just say it does not make you any friends and can be very hard on personal relationships. I do believe that it is the best way to live.

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