I Have A Problem With This

in #truth6 years ago

This post is getting almost no attention. Real babies are being really raped and for some reason all the cops on the planet cannot track down the people involved. OK, they got one guy... but the people PAYING for this "entertainment" walk among us.


This post has been on "trending" all day.

You know, if I hear one more sob story about a "raped" reward pool, I am going to start posting the testimony of rape victims. People TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A FAULTY DESIGN. No one got raped online, ever.

I made the mistake of deciding to watch the "Trending" and "Hot" posts for a couple days. I am swearing that off now, it made me want to puke. There is pretty much nothing but egos on parade, most of it topping the page courtesy of bots.

More things that are not "trending" or "hot" on steemit - or the MSM... Hmmmm... Good thing we have all that great free speech around here so we can SELF censor and pretend these things are not happening!
Trump just ordered a new branch of military, a Space Force. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/18/trump-space-traffic-debris-630189

There was a shooter in Washington State, he was gunned down by a responsible (armed) citizen.

SOMEBODY bombed Syria today.

Ryan Bundy has kicked off a campaign for Governor of Nevada.


Here is a pretty picture to help soften the blow of my harsh tone.

Here, there is actually a very good post on "Hot" right now, let me promote it:

Not only is it OK to not be OK, if you pay any attention to the real world you really need to be NOT OK with a lot of things. Is steemit becoming truthophobic? Is it really so offensive to face the reality of how screwed up things are? Because if we are too offended by our problems to face them they are never going to be fixed, and that is a problem.

I hope you have a lovely day, and I really hope you do so while not putting your head in the sand. Thank you!


Willful denial is one of humanity's most intractable problems.

No one got raped online, ever.

I’m afraid you’re not 100% right here, my friend. At least the Swedish legal system would disagree with you. Swedish criminal courts convicted a number of pedophiles in recent years for rape over internet. The criminals won trust of younger girls by pretending to be teenage boys and then used the tactics of intimidation and blackmail to force the girls do things with their bodies in front of a web camera. The courts established that the crime was equivalent to rape of minors and convicted the guilty parties in accordance to what the criminal code says about crimes of sexual violence.

Here’s one of the most recent examples: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2018/04/18/swedish-man-convicted-of-online-rape-of-girls-including-canadian-loses-appeal.html

I will go so far as to agree with "equivalent to" because that is very messed up. However, actual rape victims get to worry about unwanted pregnancy, disease, they have physical intimacy issues related to the physical harm they suffered. Equivalent to, but still not actual rape.


What a absolutely gorgeous picture.

Yes trending is a trip. I usually only end up there if I spend a lot of time on here whereas I catch up to where I left off on my feed the prior day or there's not a whole lot of stuff coming down my feed that I am interested in. It's not a total wipe as you have experienced, one can usually find a gem in there somewhere, that's usually how I find someone new to follow, not that that's always a guarantee I'll keep following them, there's been a couple I've axed afterwards....lol. Then of course there's the drama queens over there, Bernie, whoever/whatever Bernies hating on, or whoever's hating on Bernie...lol, just don't ever up vote or state anything less then your are getting some popcorn...lol. Better to be safe then sorry. There's other interesting drama, like the latest scams, whose been caught scamming, denials and accusations, etc., makes for some good giggles some nights. Yeah, it's basically meant for nights you have nothing better to do on here.

I only did it because I wondered what people would see, as a newby. I NEVER did the hot and trending, even as a newby I looked at the "New" tab. I have heard some many people say they were ashamed of it I dared to peek... and now I can't un-see it lol!

Thanks for posting about this. I went and offered my Support and thanks for him/her reporting. That is some disgusting stuff, yet I agree, no one's talking about it, at least not here to any degree. And I agree about the cry babies and he rewards pool. There's a thousand real problems that could be easily solved just using this platform. Yet, for some reason it's hard to get anyone to rally for causes that really matter. Thank you again for putting this post out.

Well said, thank you for helping me today John with an important issue. You are awesome.

Thank you, John. You are a jewel on here!

"Space is a war-fighting domain", they say. Funny, I look out into the universe from here, and think it looks like a wonderful place for peace.
"We need to establish space dominance"? Nah, we need to avoid that kind of thinking at all costs. It's not working here, why try and take it to the stars?

I wonder about Project Blue Book. Are we laying the groundwork for the really big show?

Remember, UFOs are not proven to exist and are not a threat to national security! :-|

Glad to see you putting your focus on more serious issues. Berniesanders has his problems too and he is certainly a cancer on STEEM. But we have even greater problems to worry about.

resteemed for visibility. Good job sharing these stuff!

Thank you, I appreciate the kind words and support.

Wow, that Peter Scully guy ought to be Executed. Iam sorry but many Countries outside of US and Middle East are too laxed about these psychopaths.

Someone filming the raping of babies should be sent to the Gas Chamber...PERIOD !!

thanks for this information

And yeah I think you do have a good point about peeps using that term "Raped" so loosely I have before but now that you mention it I think it is not a good thing to do.

Thanks @fishyculture

Btw, I will be gone for a month on vacation so my time could be limited in visiting my steemian friend's blogs. Just a heads up :)

Thank you, I appreciate you reconsidering use of the word!
I have recently had a discussion with Ammon Bundy about long term incarceration, and he has been studying evil and righteous civilizations. He says there is no room for long term imprisonment in a righteous society. They either are put to work to make restitution to the victim, or they are put to death so God can deal with the proper punishment. It is pretty hard core, and he made some REALLY good points. In this case, the man cannot unrape his victims, to off to God with him...
Have a wonderful time, and I look forward to your tales of adventure when you return!

You're right, this is a problem of nowadays. People get stuffed by the trendy and hot stuff and forget the real world we live in. Tragedies and genocides should be less nowadays if people were involved in causes in citizenship to help them stop. But what happens is that people react as if it was happening on another planet or in a virtual world, like a computer game, like fiction. Or don't react at all.

Thank you for being a caring human and speaking up. You are right, far too many people have just become numb to it all.

Yes... Thanks to you too for writing with such sensitivity and truth. Take care, my friend.

Somebody has to tell it like it is, @fishyculture. It seems everyone wants to bury their heads in the sand to what is really going on around us. And you are right...Not only is it OK to not be OK, if you are paying attention.

Thank you, sweetie! Hope all is well in your world!

Our world is a mess. Things just go from bad to worse just when we think it couldn't possibly be any worse. Today, I think I will end up burying one of my dogs, so it is a sad day all around...

Oh honey, as if you do not have enough on your plate... Hugs!

Thanks, @fishyculture. caesar passes away in the early hours of this morning. The EU and the UN are sending envoys today. What they hope to accomplish, I have no idea. At least there was no violence last night. We had a thunderstorm so everyone was in...

So sorry about your doggy, sad shit. I hope things continue to be quiet, and that some kind of peace returns.

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