Bitch Is Playing Morons Like They Are Fiddles

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

I would not call her a liar if I had not done enough research to be confident she is lying. Those of you who watched choice clips of her being all choked up should dig a little deeper. She is playing you, and she is trying to destroy this country. She does not care (nor do any of the Demonrats on that Committee) about truth or actual victims of sexual assault, this is all to SAVE THEIR OWN ASSES because Trump is locking people up. The media never mentions it but THOUSANDS of pedophiles have gone to jail already, and they are singing.

Oh! Looky here, the morning news is interesting...



I seen your post that got flagged. Really this is looking more like a ploy to get rid of those whom they think aren't contributing to the community in a manner that is acceptable to them. It's full blown censorship trying to control their narrative of creating a Stepford Wives scenario. I highly recommend you go the route I did last week and file a compliant with the federal trade commission. They can't prohibit use of a product based on income status or force people to take what they earn and buy into their product to boost the bottom line of the upper tier at he disadvantage of the lower tier. It should be those people's right to choose to do whatever they like with their earnings. It only took about ten minutes and the product sold would be considered liquid steem.

You know, I had not even thought of that but now that you point it out, I think you may be on to something. I may file a complaint, that is worth consideration. THANK YOU, for your long friendship and making me take another look at what might be going on under the surface.

I believe that you should. From what I understand is that these complaints go out to all government and state agencies to look at, the more complaints they see landing on their desk the more visibility that something isn't ticking just right here. I look over my feed every couple days and I see less and less comments and post by low sp holders, this has definitely been to the advantage of the top sp holders. I suggest though that you do it on the low down and have your husband and any friends you have on here do the same without pubic acknowledgement on here so you aren't tarred and feathered like I have been. Unless of course you want to prove you've been harmed by the actions of those at the top in any queries that may come about as a result of complaining by all means go ahead and go public.

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