There's A Sucker Born Every MinutesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

What makes you a sucker? You're a sucker when you fail to spot inconsistencies. A liar will expose themselves if only you observe them well enough to see it happen. The dishonest person doesn't even have to try though, for most people are simply not paying attention.

The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. --Sherlock Holmes

Most people see, but they do not observe. They are conscious, but they are not thinking. As Henry Ford was famous for saying, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it."

I can be suckered too, so I'm not suggesting I'm an exception to the problem.

One of my goals as a private investigator is to observe and collect evidence to prove a theory. If I am not an expert on the topic however, I will seek out one to advise me. There's nothing more valuable than the wisdom of an expert when you need a problem solved.

How do you spot a disingenuous person? There are quite a few simple ways:

  • They will talk the talk but not walk the walk.
  • Goals will be set, but they will not actively work towards achieving them.
  • Their actions will not match their stated beliefs.
  • Other people will be useful to them, not cared for or lifted up.
  • Success will be used only for personal gain at any cost.
  • Titles will be sought for bragging rights, not to further the overall objective.
Quality people seek to educate themselves, but they do it to further their achievements. Those achievements are sought to improve the world. Those same people build up others along the way, and they actively seek out like-minded people to inspire them to do the same. If someone achieves more than them, they applaud the success instead of being envious.

Steve Jobs, from what I've read and heard, treated his employees terribly.

That is not the model we should seek to emulate. True leaders build their followers up and seek to strengthen them. They do not use them as slaves or pawns in their search for fame, wealth, or power. Genuine leaders lead by example, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the primary objective.

The objective is, in other words, worth any price. I often say that about liberty as my friends know. Leaders understand that concept, and they live and die acting consistently with their objectives. They walk the walk. That's why they have the respect of others, and that's why they can be trusted by those who believe in them.

Leadership is mostly about integrity and consistency. If you share a common goal with others and are willing to sacrifice your life and energy to further it, people will naturally and easily follow your lead. The true leader does not lead for the glory involved either. They lead simply to further the cause.

Many people I know talk the talk, but they are not walking the walk. They are "talking bullshit." Those people will forever have an excuse for their failures, and they will live their entire lives being unsuccessful. Worst of all, they will be unhappy. It doesn't need to be that way though.

All they need to do is focus on their strengths and do what they said they were going to do. Set goals and achieve them! Late is better than never, but are you even trying to achieve them? Your actions reveal your priorities. Most people I know have terrible priorities. They're "talking bullshit."

Make sure you are doing good and improving yourself at no cost to anyone else as well.

If what you are doing requires tearing other people down, you need to change your ways or your objective. furthering individual liberty as one example would never drag some people down to achieve it.

Our lives are limited. We only have so much time. Therefore, use it wisely. Have integrity. Use your time to further a cause, for causes are remembered. Individuals usually are not. I am working to build a better world, and I act consistently and in line with that objective. Make sure your objectives are worthy of the life you're spending to furthering them.

My friends are walking the walk.

They understand what's at stake, and they acting according to their stated beliefs. I can easily observe their actions too, and those actions prove our ultimate goals in life are the same. That makes our bound very strong, and trust is not an issue. If you share the same life long objectives with someone, they are automatically a friend.

This video was the inspiration for my post:

finnian steemit.gif


Great message finnian! I do believe there are many shades of grey to this also but yes the bottom line is we're all having a human experience here and the time we are given is priceless to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. I haven't always walked the straight and narrow but I do my best to do this now even though I sometimes still stub a toe. ;) Call me old fashioned but a man's word is still the most important thing in my book. Good to see ya' brother.

Thank you! It has been a while since I posted. The glitches have kept me away.

Everyone has setbacks and makes mistakes. An honorable warrior will always return to their task however.


Yes sir and well said! The glitches are a pain in the ass though. Just up-voting and replying takes too much time. I won't quit either though! ;) Take care.

When dealing with people and trying to discover their true intentions. It's imperative to watch what they do and weigh it with what they say. Its fairly easy to sift through inconsistencies. Lying takes an incredible amount of intellect and a near perfect memory to do it sucessfully. Anyone who is willing to pay close attention can sift out probably 80% of the people who are full of crap.

I'm absolutely amazed at how many people dont do this and take so much of what they see at face value.

Good write up.

Loved the Sherlock Holmes quote and the boss/leader meme.

Thanks and agreed!


Great post mate.
Especially poignant for me at the moment - (introspective, negative cycle - I hate that!)

You just gave me the proverbial 'slap around the face' I needed.
Cheers for that!

Good read, I'll contend that we are all capable of being suckered at one time or another. I think the optimist in us wants too see the good in others, which may make us vulnerable. On the other hand the skeptic in us scrutinizes everything and will most likely not be suckered. It's still possible but the odds lean in our favor.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm not immune to it either. Sometimes I'm blinded by emotions or close friendships. It's an easy trap to fall into.

Well written. After a while it is easy to see who is walking the walk as you say. I stay away from those who do not, it resolves in a change of people I surround me with. Sorry to say, the other people can be boring... I want to surround me with people who can inspire me and challenge me. Always pushing the button to make me better along with them. And I hope I do the same with them. Thank you for this post.

Thank you! Yes, I agree. We should definitely hang out with people who lift us up, inspire us, and make us better people--not the opposite. I'm constantly telling my children that these days too.

@finnian your post is very good, one inspiration and one motivation to speak according to deeds mengintrofeksi yourself, grateful for grace, not selfish and one alram / remember to ruler.

Thanks for the reminder @finnian. I'm usually positive, but some financial hardships have been getting me down. I've been tempted to be mean to people (and sometimes I have succumbed to that). Makes me think. How can I work hard making the world a better place in a tangible way? I'll try to answer that, then live it.

I replied to this once already, but it vanished. What's going on? Chat with me on if you want to leave the details off here.

"Steve Jobs, from what I've read and heard, treated his employees terribly."

Yeah I don't... he must've done something right to be succesful

He had a bad reputation for treating employees poorly. Watch the inspirational video to hear the man talk about it more. That's not a good model to follow.

Whoops I forgot a word.

"Yeah I don't know" is what it should be.

What I meant to say is, even though he was a jerk, somehow he still was succesful. It's a bad behavior, but somehow he could lead a company to success.

I just saw you in the Panama and Costa Rica channel on chat! :) Just wanted to say hi!

Thanks for the reminder! I haven't been on chat all day but am again now. :)

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