Ned Stark Poses A Couple Of Serious Questions About The Roman Catholic Church

in #truth8 years ago (edited)

Greetings, Lords and Ladies. Once again, the time has come for me to share some of the lesser known facts that I have discovered about this Kingdom of Earth. These findings are to be the most controversial ones that I have shared with you so far, so I ask that you think critically and view the evidence I shall present to you with an open mind.

Due to the lack of weirwood trees in this realm, the Old Gods have no eyes to see, and thus no power. A man needs a God in order to provide him with humility, and so I have been searching for an Earthly religion worthy of my faith and my loyalty.

My research took me to the smallest country in the known world. Vatican City-- which is oddly inside a city, which is inside another country. One would think attempting to ascertain how there could be a country inside a city inside of a country might prove the most perplexing of curiosities I would find on my travels. However, what I discovered in Rome-- I mean, in Vatican City, in Rome--was far more baffling.

After indulging in several hours of the Earthly practice, photo-bombing, I began to research what I hoped might be a religion I could ascribe myself to for the remainder of my time in this realm. What I found was far more shocking than the words my sister Lyanna whispered to me on her death bed.

I will now share with you two serious questions that I require answers to before I can entertain the thought of adopting this religion.

  • Why Does The Papal Audience Hall, Where The Pope Conducts His Speeches, Possess Such A Strong Likeness To The Head Of A Snake- From Both Inside And Outside?


Interior view of the Vatican's Paul VI audience hall

Vatican's Paul VI audience hall, viewed from above

An internal viewing of the hall reveals windows which look like reptile eyes, a ceiling shaped like skull of a serpent, scale-like design elements, and what appears to be two fangs protruding from an open mouth in the center of the hall--where the snakes mouth would be.

An external viewing is not nearly as obvious. Yet the shape of the building, the position of the windows and an odd design choice on the right which is similar to the nose of a snake, lend the internal viewing some further context for which the serpent design can find some validity.

Though I am new to this Kingdom, my studies have led me to the understanding that the snake or serpent is representative of the villain in the Roman Catholicism's holy book, Satan. If this is the case, I have to wonder why the Catholic church chose to design such an important part of the Vatican in this manner, and why the throne of the Pope sits in the mouth of the snake during speeches, appearing to be symbolic of him being the voice of the serpent/Satan.

  • Why Does The Sculpture Decorating The Wall Behind The Papal Throne Look To Be The Furthest Thing Possible From Godly.

This twenty-meter-wide brass and bronze sculpture behind the current Pope, Benedict XVI, is located in the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall which was completed in 1971.
The Official Vatican spin on this horrifyingly evil appearing sculpture, supposedly in the words of Fazzini, who is no longer among the living to confirm it, is that "Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy."
If this is, indeed, a modern depiction of the Resurrection of Christ, why then does it bear such a bizarre alien chthonic resemblance to a demonic, Satanic image?
Why is the word "Christ" noticeably absent from the name of the sculpture? Just who is it, really, that is shown being "Resurrected" here?

The sculpture allegedly representing a nuclear apocalypse could certainly explain the grotesquely unsettling nature of the piece, but it does not explain why such an event would be portrayed in the sculpture. Given the location of the artwork--right behind the Papal throne--this is a piece that is going to be seen by a lot of eyes, at the most important moments in the Vatican's progression. Would it not have made more sense, surely, to commission a piece which was more welcoming and conveyed a warmer message to audience members?

Curiously, the serpent is also demonstrated once again at a closer look, forcing one to wonder whether it is really Christ, or Satan that is rising from the ashes in this monstrous sculpture.

When considering all the better-known facts and accusations surrounding the Roman Catholic church, I feel that these findings are very worrying. It certainly appears as though the intent of the Catholic church is not to pay homage to Jesus Christ, as they say, so one must wonder what their true agenda is.

If any of my loyal readers are able to offer some plausible explanations that can serve to dispel my suspicions, I ask that you make use of the comments section below and share them.

Thanks for reading. Follow me for more truths, discoveries and important questions.

Upvotes, follows and especially resteems are vital for me in these early steps of my Steemit journey, so I want to offer my gratitude to all that support me through these methods in advance. Until next time...


The Vatican was founded by pagans because they were losing control over the Roman Empire, and they decided that the best way to fight back against the rebellious Christians was to create the Catholic Empire which was just really their same old pagan religion repackaged as "Christianity" when it was really just gnostic dualism / paganism aka luciferianism. The Jesuits who run the Vatican today are so blatant with their Ba'al worship it is almost laughable.

The real religion of the powers that shouldn't be, like those who run the Vatican is Dualism:

It is so good to see this covered again. I just saw it on a vid last week. Supposedly that snake worship place has been there for years, but I really think we would have heard of it. This is part of the same thing creating the mandela effect I think, I think it is in this reality, but was not in the reality I came from. It speaks of the beast system for sure and creates more reason to distrust the catholic church.

It is my understanding the dualism refers to any religion which speaks of two opposing forces, such as good vs evil.
I shall have to give your links a watch later to see what they can reveal to me.

I am aware of the merging of Paganism and Christianity by Emperor Constantine the Great, which then became Roman Catholicism. This is why Sunday is regarded as the Sabbath, even though it is not, and Christmas is celebrated at the end of December, even though it is supposedly not Jesus' birthday. Merely an extension of the Pagan celebration of Saturnalia.

actually the serpent image is Biblical. In the Old Testament the Israelites were bitten by snakes in the desert. Moses was instructed to mount a brass serpent on a pole so that everyone that looked upon it would be healed. In this way, Christ is portrayed as the Son of Righteousness who arises with healing in his wings - healing from evil as typified by the snake.
\You could have researched this yourself - curiously, the serpent on the pole is also a symbol of the healing provided by the medical profession.A little learning is a dangerous thing - drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring (Pope - Alexander Pope, that is) Hee haw!


I am sure they have good reasons for this.
Like, they are protecting all of our minds from all that knowledge they have in the basement. You can't just have any ole person, reading any ole thing. That could lead to bad thoughts.

Did you meet any of the demons that call Vatican city their home?

And yes, these people are very two faced. They tell the masses one thing, and tell the ones who have proved themselves, they tell the occulted knowledge.

I would certainly love a wander in that library. Such ancient wisdom must lie down there..

Oh yes! But they have Swiss mercenaries with Uzis strapped to their chests down there.

This is what it looks like from the Pope's point of view. It looks like all those people are in the mouth of the serpent.
Image of vat

Perhaps symbolic of the audience members who have been consumed by the serpent's deceptiion-- just like Adam and Eve reportedly were.

My impression too. After all the VC is/was the Roman Imperial Cult. The VC is not of the Genesis/Abrahamic, it simply adopted it as a human resource management policy. It might just be a Grand 2016 year old insider joke.

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