Ned Stark Exposes The Dangers of Energy Saving Light bulbs And Offers You A Safer Alternative

in #truth8 years ago (edited)

Good evening, my new friends. Winter has come, and the days are getting shorter. With the extended use of light bulbs in this troublesome season, I wanted to share my discoveries on the dangers of the most commonly used light sources here in the Kingdom of Earth.

You might wonder how I, a lonesome traveler from the lands of Westeros, have knowledge of a technology that was non-existent in my realm. Well, it's a funny story actually...

Upon my arrival in this new world, I had not yet found a place to take up residence and was kindly invited into a stranger's home for a cup of tea. I was unfortunately asked to leave after a few minutes, for I had drawn my sword and started slashing at the light bulbs in each room.

For someone who has never seen this technology, and who associates glowing bright lights with witches who align themselves with the Red God, R'hllor.. My initial thought was that this stranger intended to offer me up as a sacrifice. Once I had been ejected from three strangers homes and a sushi restaurant for repeating the same mistake, I finally realised that this was a benevolent piece of technology--though I was later to find out that was untrue.

My fascination with this invention you call electricity led me down a path of excessive research. The last time I researched something it resulted in me discovering that my best friend's son was not really his son at all, so I expected that whatever I may find couldn't possibly be as shocking as that. Oh, how wrong I was...

So what did I find?

A telling article from the dailymail revealed that;

Energy-saving light bulbs are so dangerous that everyone must leave the room for at least 15 minutes if one falls to the floor and breaks, a Government department warned yesterday.

To me, that doesn't sound too dissimilar to the sorcery used by the Red God's minions..

I later discovered that there is unsafe levels of mercury in these types of light bulbs-- a dangerous poison that packs a punch to rival even that of the strangler or the tears of Lys back on my world. I know what you're thinking, friend. As long as I am safe with this light bulb, and ensure it does not break, then there is nothing to worry about. -- Wrong.

Diving deeper into the rabbit hole, I found that even when handled safely, there are still a number of dangers that energy saving light bulbs pose to the user.

Electromagnetic radiation and dirty electricity

Incandescent lamps emit very little electromagnetic radiation. CFLs on the contrary emit radiofrequency radiation in the frequency range of 25 to 100 kilohertz (kHz).

Measurements by the independent French research centre CRIIREM show that CFLs generate powerful electromagnetic fields (EMF) close to the source, up to 1 meter distance (1). At a distance of 20 centimeters, radiation levels can be as high as 180 Volts per meter (!) Measurements by the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) have confirmed these findings (2).

CRIIREM therefore advises not to use energy saving lamps at too close a distance, for example, as desk lamps or as a reading lamp beside the bed (3). A ban on incandescent lamps, however, will result in more people using CFLs as desk or bed lamps, thereby exposing them to very high levels of EMF.

It is often said that these levels of EMF stay below the international exposure limits and that they are therefore safe. However, there is widespread criticism on these limits, which are considered to be much too lenient (4).

In addition to directly emitting radiation, there are indications that the EMFs emitted by CFLs can travel along the electrical wiring thereby exposing people to so-called ‘dirty electricity' throughout the house. A study published in June 2008 in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine indicated that this dirty electricity can lead to a 5-fold increased risk of cancer (5). A harmful influence of dirty electricity has also been found in research done by the Canadian researcher Magda Havas (6).


So it would appear that these light bulbs are still a danger to one's health, regardless of whether or not they are broken on the premises. I find it curious that incandescent bulbs have now been made illegal in a number of countries in Europe. Even I who is new to these lands, am already very aware of how the governments have long been in the bed chamber with energy companies and other big business interests.

Low energy light bulbs (CFL's) result in those energy companies making less profit on electricity bills- so why would their friends--the government--be enacting laws that will affect profit margins for their campaign contributors? Maybe a life in Westeros has left my mind suspicious of evil, as I have to wonder if perhaps the intention is to make the people sick. Then the energy companies--that are owned by the same criminals who own the health industry and everything else--will recoup any losses from the energy sector, as well as making a hefty profit from the medical bills and pharmaceutical sales of the people in the long term. Or maybe that's just too sinister to be possible in this realm. I will let you decide...

Whether or not there is an agenda here is irrelevant. The fact is, these bulbs are dangerous, and though incandescent bulbs are on the way out completely, there are still some safer alternatives that you can use to protect you and your children for the time being. My favourite is...

White LED Christmas tree lights are a great alternative that can illuminate a room just fine. They also have a much warmer light that can make the room look more inviting and homely than the cold, harmful UV light emitted by energy saving bulbs.
As you can see, I have them in my home and I don't plan on changing them any time soon.

There are other types of bulbs, halogen and LED most notably, that could also be used. However, I have found that they too pose some less severe, but nonetheless unnecessary health risks.

I encourage you all to do your own research into this matter and come up with your own alternative to CFL's that is best suited for you. With poisons in the the food supply, in the water, dangerous levels of EMF radiation being emitted from smart meters and WiFi appliances, the accumulative effects can be a burden on the body. I advise that you try to limit those stresses to your system in whichever way you can, and this is perhaps the easiest of them all to do right now.

Thanks for reading.

Click Resteem so that others might discover this piece of useful information, and follow @eddard to see the next installment of truth.

DISCLAIMER: I have probably broken some copyright laws with the imagery in this post. Steemit states clearly in their terms and conditions that this is not allowed, and I have read this. The site is not to blame. I, Ned Stark of Winterfell take sole responsibility for this action. To those who would seek to penalize me for this violation of the law(act/policy), I have a message for you...

I care not about your policy. Only the law. There is a reason you are now named policemen rather than lawmen- because all you do now is enforce policy for your corporate masters. There are only three laws and I follow them always. I will not submit to your 34958486459768549 bullshit acts. You lot are worse than Joffrey.


I really liked the style of writing you used for this post. Very interesting and I wish I had left the room the time one of those bulbs broke in my presence.

Thank you, and if this happens again I urge you to leave the room promptly for the effects of mercury are accumulative and irreversible. One can lose IQ points with each encounter with this deadly substance. I am gald you still seem to have your wits, and most certainly your artistic talents about you.

Thank you also for the resteem. This is very helpful for me at this early part of my journey.

Oh, i;ve lost brain cells. I could be wittier. lol

As have I, though it was milk of the poppy that was the culprit in my case..

I really enjoyed your style of writing and your laying yourself on the line to share and rise above the

34958486459768549 bullshit acts

Upvoted, resteemed and followed! Grateful for you @eddard!

Thank you for the support, my lady.

There shall be plenty more to come.

Indeed the pleasure is mine!

The good news in all of this is GE shut down their last assembly line for CFL's last year. Most of what you'll see in the USA will either be leftovers or imports. LED is certainly the next step in lighting. with the cost going down and the lifespan of LED lighting sometimes being in the range of 100,000 hours. Although not flawless they are considerably less dangerous for the environment and the health of people and animals.

Great post Ned, thanks for exposing the dangers of these types of light bulbs. Can't wait to see what you take on next!

Here is good watch if you want to get up to speed on how we could come to build a light bulb product that is expensive to make and toxic.

I have seen this documentary during my research. It is my understanding that the point of the movie is to reveal how light bulbs were originally made to last for decades, but that would not be good for profits, so laws were put in place to hand out fines to any company selling light bulbs that lasted longer than 300 or so hours.

A fascinating telling of how those in control are willing to take a step backwards in the technology field in order to keep profits soaring. Much like in the case with the oil industry. There are cleaner, free types of energies that have been invented, some as far back as Nikola Tesla. However, the people will never see this technology because there is too much money in oil.

Add the fact that the hoax of climate change is perpetuated by these same clowns that are continuing an oil industry that should be obsolete by now, and the hypocrisy becomes so pungent that it will leave a lasting taste in your mouth.

Thank you for the comment and resteem, Dylan!

Some very good points you make Ned, oil is king in my neck of the woods and they just rolled out a carbon tax for the new year here. What would a world look like on the ideas of men such as Nikola Tesla? What if Nikola released his research on the Blockchain.

Hey, here's something for you. I always had the idea to join two double helixes at one end. Oddly I was have trouble picturing just how the ends would curve together. Then those energy efficient light bulbs came out. The shape was close to what I have always pictured. A couple years later I found myself building the sculpture. Instead of the round shape of the light bulbs. I used a 3 sided shape to build this. While working on it I was thinking of Nikola Tesla's work around 3, 6 and 9's and his quote "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Working and grinding inside the shape you can feel it. Anyways, just wanted to share

Well, I think that a lot of the world's technology is based on Tesla's work that was stolen by the government. If Rockefeller had not pulled Tesla's funding after realising that he was trying to develop free energy, which would have made Rockefeller oil obsolete, I think we would be looking at an entirely different world today.

In truth, based on what I have read about him since arriving here, I have developed quite a fondness for him. He has become somewhat of a personal hero of mine- like the Azor Ahai of this realm. I wouldn't be surprised if Tesla was somehow responsible for the construction of the great wall back in Westeros...

Interesting image you have shared there.. It seems rather hypnotizing...

Tesla should have killed Edison in revenge, using his Death Ray.
If anyone tried to pin the murder on him, he'd say how?? No one believes in my death ray, it can't possibly work, eh?


You flag me I'll flag you. I'm not Violating the TOS and I'm tagging Appropriately.

You flag me I'll flag you.

Are you sure that you are old enough to be taking images of naked women? This comment certainly speaks to the contrary. Rather than immaturely downvoting my post in retaliation, why not be a man and take responsibility for your own actions that led to I and 9 others flagging you?

When browsing, I very nearly subjected a child to some grossly inappropriate images. If you are going to post links in then you need to ensure that your header image is SFW.

If I see this again, I will downvote it again. Whether you flag me back as you have threatened or not, is literally irrelevant. It is a matter of principal for me, and you can ask around about Lord Eddard Stark's principals.. You will find that I break them for no one.

That's what you people are complaining about a censored thumbnail image less than 1" in size that you can see her underboob and no nipple. ROFLMAFAO!!! You have to be kidding. Are are you projecting it to 80" Screen?

Which BTW is allowed on FB, IG, and Amazon even allows full breasts in their search results. A woman can wear pasties in public as well if you didn't know.

My Header image is censored and SFW by all major social media standards and the post is Tagged NSFW. On the post you flagged. I followed all rules. If you saw something else that's not my fault. And I'll keep flagging you if you flag me. Your children are not my responsibility. And how is seeing a bare breast going to hurt them. (which the image was censored that you flagged. Further more all of the countries that have more openness toward sex and nudity have lower STD rates, lower teen pregnancy, and had lower rape rates until the Refugees from the restrictive anti-sex and anti-nudity countries came in and ruined for everyone. You you're not protecting your children from anything and they have seen breast before.

And as I recall Lord Eddard Stark's principals got his head chopped off so I'd not make him a role model.

I would expect a "man" in your position to possess a greater understanding of sexual provocation. Why should a nipple matter when every other part of the woman is completely naked? You do not need to show nipples, vaginas or fucking sphincters for a photograph to be inappropriate. A good photographer, can convey a deep sexual theme with a model that is fully clothed.

Yours is certainly not good photography. It is closer to "let's see how far I can get this camera up this young girls arse." That is not art, it's a creepy guy who never left puberty living out his teen fantasy of taking pictures of young naked women.

The second half of your comment is inaccurate and irrelevant to this issue. It is legalized prostitution that has the effects you are talking about, but legalizing sex as commerce between adults has absolutely nothing to do with subjecting very young girls to images that show women portraying themselves as a selection of holes for men to do with what they please.

That may be appropriate on Facebook and Instagram, and perhaps that's why I do not use Facebook or Instagram. This hypersexualization of children does the opposite of all the bullshit you're trying to use as an excuse for your actions. I can tell you really believe it though.

You believe this bullshit because you have to, it makes you feel better about the role you are playing in corrupting the youth of today. Perhaps one day, when you have matured to a point where you no longer feel the need to base your entire life and career on seeing the next pair of tits, then you will be able to stop and consider the psychological effects that your work has on young girls-- and boys.

Now, you have wasted enough of my time so I am muting you.

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