Subjective truth will not set us free!

in #truth6 years ago

A divided world will not find reconciliation through words. We will never agree on a phrase that encapsulates the understanding of life of all those who live by the flesh.

We live in an age where we seek to define the absolute truth of us all, but we are in a constant war over the content of that truth because the only truth we have is subjective. Unable to see outside our individual circles of understanding, we proffer equal and opposite truths in the name of objectivity, calling each other liars, being ignorant of the fact that our realities are ours alone, never realising that our own truths do not apply to others, that what others believe is just as real as our own beliefs. We say our way is right, while others say that their way is right, oblivious to the fact that what is objectively right is far from our minds.

We are in a swamp of understanding, a quagmire of subjective rights and wrongs that have no meaning beyond our own individuality. The naive are easily swayed to agree with our beliefs, but such efforts just divide us further, and in the end, even the naive diverge from what they are told once their interests are piqued by those who oppose us. Loyalty to subjective truth is shallow, especially when the division we sow begins to cause suffering to those who are ruled by it.

"People will sway to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. This is the time of the end." There is a better way!

Humble yourselves. Your righteousness is your folly. You are full of your own lies that you can no longer see the forest for the trees. Subjective truth will not set you free, only objective truth can do that, and it can never be conceptualised in thought or spoken of in words, for it just is.

The end comes when the foolishness of man is revealed. When all is said and done, and the truth is still a mystery, then man will forsake his own intellect for the truth that stares us right in the face.

Objective reality cannot be known by the mind, but is lived by the heart.

We are all one. But we live separate lives because we believe the liar that started this journey into separation and darkness. We think that what we do does not affect the whole, that our individual thoughts, words and actions are encapsulated by the life of our flesh, but such thinking disregards that fact that God is one spirit, and we are all one in that spirit.

If I consider you to be my enemy, then you are affected by my belief. Even if I never voice such a thing, you have no choice but to be wary in my presence, on the lookout for betrayal, even though I may pretend complete friendship. What goes around comes around. Our judgements bring about our own judgement. If I am lost in subjective thinking, you will become what I see.

It is not for us to imagine a better world than the one God has created for us, for such imaginings are a dark veil that covers the perfection of what is already objectively true. In God, enemies do not exist, but are created by us through the world of subjective belief. Once judged as such, how can we be one with the truth again? How can we see an enemy as a friend again, unless they somehow overcome our imagined slights, unless they project a greater friendship than we project an enemy?

Jesus said "Love your enemies." Did he say to do this for them? No! He said to do this for ourselves, to free ourselves of the darkness of judgement and torment that separates us from God. And forsaking the judgement of an enemy not only frees us from imagined darkness, it also gives the perceived enemy a chance to forsake their own imagined darkness of us.

And in this lies the truth that sets us free... We do not replace lies with truth, for the truth was there from the beginning, just veiled in lies. We see the truth for what it is, and the scales over our eyes, the dark lies we tell each other of the world, fall away.

In truth, I have no words to offer you, other than to forgive those who persecute you and cause you pain, for they are lost, as are all who see darkness in the objective reality of light. If you perceive an enemy, then you too are just as lost, for God did not create enemies. Enemies are conceived by the lying mind that substitutes objectivity for subjectivity, and God's creation for the devil's.

Seek, first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the mind of captivity will be freed of the darkness of the one who stands in His place as ruler over your life. You have no enemies on the earth, but in your mind and in your believing heart. Deny their existence and they will flee from you, and your spirit will be free from the darkness of the current age.

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