False Flag Attacks Are Trying To Induct Trump Into War

in #truth7 years ago

They want to hurt Trump from anyone siding with his attempt to sabotage more freedoms.  The Huge events are morphed from a psychological operation caused and paid for by our federal government, and the truth is that people are waking up in mass numbers.  Their goal is to create massive debt where "We The People" can't get ahead, and can't even do the things that we want to do.

I for one, miss my own place, and typically of the government, I fear that my rights aren't being met by a system, rather I am under attack by the system, for the things that I have discovered that they do.  They are 100% in it to win it, and they love the devil.  They aren't God fearing, nor do they care about the debt that they created.  They rig the game in their favor, and they own all the media that we have today, and don't care to hear us out, because it's ending their own power to continue to do what they do.

What do they do?

They want to control the world currency, and control the world.  They create mass hysteria, and set up false flag events to control the people.  They manipulate crisis, where it looks as a large event, and sometimes is a large event, because the more people end up bloody in the streets, the more money that they have and the more power they have to control your minds through media.  They want to keep you busy fighting to no end for that almighty dollar bill, even though it's just a monetary note, much like an I OWE YOU piece of paper, and the only thing that it does ensure is their own goal, which is to control your money, and control the people that need the money in order to live.  

Skull and Bones are Illuminati 33rd degree masonic "demons" that just want to implode the worlds wealth, and in every way that they can.  They want to take over your lives, and stop people from ever having a tradition in play.  They will stop at nothing it seems to take down your life.

I miss my ability to save data on my own computer so that I could upload video proofs later under false names.  They don't want that though, so they can wipe off real truth everywhere with a "copyright infringement" being said is broken.  They do this all the time.  I've been watching videos for a long time, like the crimes of the Clintons, and you see these videos, especially the ones about murder, disappear off the face of the internet.  And, if you don't think that is bad - think again!  This is horrible, because they want to keep controlling us and making sure to keep their whole shit show under their control.  They don't want the truth out to the public, and as monstrous as the truth is, you might think that you know everything there is to know after reading a few articles.  But, the truth doesn't even start there.  The truth starts when you can see your world acting in a way that is weird and can see it and spot it and know that it's happening.  

When you can see videos and other news media basically disappear, and know that what these people are talking about is truthful and is not copyright infringement, rather information solely used to educate, and used for educational purposes, these things are legal to do today, and they are creating covert means to take down truthful information before people begin to see it, and especially the people that are all soaked up in the worlds television and news media, and are blind to see any truth at all.  They aren't smart!  They are proudly held in the dark.  They have blindfolds over their eyes and can't see the truth that is out there to see, and how badly the war machine is happening on our information.  

We'll have no shred of privacy left and no shred of truth left as more and more keeps getting censored online.  They can't simply control all of our information just by stopping a bunch of people and bumping them off from being able to make their own money, and solve their dilemma's where importing debt is their only goal.  They not only implode people through debt, but through crisis.  When you know something that they don't want you to know about, they want to create a crisis in your own life, and this is why people don't believe that anything like this could ever happen to you.  You're basically seen as a non-threat by other people, and when you know the truth about their lies, and keep exposing their lies, and know that you have a right to protect your lives from elite groups who are running covert means over your lives, and want to wash away your bloodlines from the face of the map.  It's not the fact that we are being held away from justice that truly matter, but that people don't see the evil that is going on.  Like, I said - you're a non-entity and people think that you don't matter, so you're not a threat to their global plans for the  world.  But, the fact of the matter is that, though people don't see it, and you have, and you've been watching it resonate with everything that you are... it doesn't matter to these people because they are thugs.  They are criminally funded thugs that want to make sure that you can't be heard for what you truly are discovering.  

They want your friends and family thinking that these things wouldn't be happening to you, because they want to keep everyone else in the dark and will say anything that they want to make them believe that you are just crazy.  But, you're not crazy.  You know that humanity is not safe, and there are things that are out of control now.  

They want to hurt Trump because it doesn't just matter what Trump says.  It matters what all the other people do.  They don't care what you know about anymore, but rather they want to stop people from seeing the same things that you are seeing.  If you can see truth, and can see the facts - so could they start to wake up and believe the things that they are going to see.  But, most people flip on a truthful video or see a truthful post and scroll right on past.  So no one believes there is a false flag happening to you, rather you are the common denominator in your own life, and that you are 100% in control of your life.  This is sadly not the case when there is convolution and sequestered information constantly at play where people cannot see the truth that you see.  This is the trick they play, because they don't want you to see the truth about these things, because they don't want a thorough normal message being spread throughout humans and throughout a freedom loving people.  And you can't do that with bombs, so this is why the pressure is on Trump to bomb, and to use force, because guns are basically to his head to act, and if he doesn't act - then they keep on pressuring him and keep the guns drawn on him.  

Basically the shadow government, the builderbergs, the tri-collateral commission, CIA the bankers, CFR, United Nations, Central Bankers and the list goes on and on, and in order to implement liberal powers, and money manipulation, they still keep on doing what they want to do... they want to create terror, through immorality and destroy countries that don't bend to the globalization of their plans to take over their money.  

They deceive the public by trading out our freedom for a foreign entity, created or not, it is covertly created through the military to create a false flag.  Much like we saw on 9-11, you're either with us or you're with the enemy, was said.  They want to steal from us with war, and create massive new debt.


Yes, yes, thank you! You hit the nail right on the head!
"They" for those who don't know, are people like the Rothchilds and the Clintons and the Bushes and the Obamas all their little minions who run every single firm and factory and chain and business there is all over the world.
They just love to make trouble where ever they go. All these "crisises" that are happening are all staged- they are there to keep us, the people, angry upset and scared, because scared people don't think and are irrational and thatis exactly what they want!
Let's not forget these afornentioned "people" are know satanists and freemasons and ruthlessly kill innocent children for their sacrificial rituals. Oh, you weren't aware that these freaks actually bathe in all forms of human liquid matter, such as sperm, piss, pus, menstrual blood, and other despicable forms, not to mention fecal matter (yes, poop). Not only do they bathe in this crap, they freaking eat it too.
Keep that in mind the next time you watch their programmed media.
Wake up, people!

I've seen stuff on that as well... it's amazing what people don't know. Conspiracies so largely rude that it's hard to believe. That's the way the evil likes 'em. Scared lil pussies!

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