Lie No. 1 You're Supposed to Have it All Together. Lie No. 2 Everyone's Life is Perfect Except Yours, so keep you messes, your wounds and your secrets with you behind closed doors! Brendon Urie Tried to tell us! What IS Reality? Is Truth RARELY Told?

in #truth4 years ago (edited)

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This is from a FB post found in this link if they allow it to stay.
They were not allowing shares according to one Great Guardian.

Hear an excellent short music video on Truth below. Spot on. Then see another straight from someone in the music industry and a song you have likely heard played on the radio that literally Spell it Out by Brendon Urie. If you haven't seen the video to "Hey Look Ma I made it," You need to!

NOTHING they do can Stop the Awakening that is GREAT!
The TRUTH Will be Told!
People are engaging in conversation all over the world.
It's okay to be broken and NOT attain their Status, Their popularity, Their Perceived majority of those placed in power and their ardent followers.
It's in the brokenness of those who are Not Tethered to their construct, that clarifies their need and reliance on our Creator, who is the Father of the Sons and Daughters of God.
Psalm 34:18
King James Version
18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Psalm 51:17
King James Version
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
Those who know. ..realize what a facade MSM, H-wood and the Tech Giants try to promote, but we've all been down here Watching. WRWY
ALL of their entities, fake entertainment, distractors/distractions. ..The Gig is Up!
The American People are onto you and it IS those around the world who are watching and Told Us to STAND! United We Stand.
Matthew 20:16
King James Version
16 So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
We have People All over the World TestingTheNarrative and there is NO Going BACK!
You virtue signalers out there still partaking, there is still time to reconsider living in TRUTH!
Do you suppose their idols have messes, wounds and secrets? Do you suppose they want out of the "puppet situation Brendon Urie depicted and speaks of in his song Hey Look Ma, I Made It from
Panic! At The Disco - He titled Pray For The Wicked? (I'll put a link in comments if the truth of this song is still allowed, noticed they are "eating" their own now and attempting to stifle some of them).
I think we should take that advice. Something tells me plenty there may want a way out, but are scared to buck against the Narrative.
Remember when Ricky Gervais Exposed them all?
The radicals just thought it was all a joke.
They can choose to continue feeding the eye if they wish. We the People will take care of business!
The radicals think shows like Utopia are "Trendy" and stick their heads in the sand while they poke them in the eye. Did you suppose their eyes are Starting to Twitch. ..just a little?
Maybe not, some prefer the delusional illusion.
Once again Their choice.
Those who unplugged. ..It's Great seeing you on the other side.
Keep doing Exactly what you are doing. ..TestingTheNarrative. Together With God at the helm. . .We've Got This!
In The End

Matthew West - Truth Be Told (Official Music Video)

Following song. . .

Pretty much spills the beans. Pray for the fans of those who still want the entertainment and don't realize even These people have been trying to tell them. There is an eternity and some don't realize their Knee will bow and no amount of rebellion and mocking will Change That Up!
Romans 14:11 - For it is written, [As] I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

One poster in comments states aptly as this happens all the time on that platform,

Hey FASCISTBOOK won't let me share this. NO EXPLANATION. Just 'you're post could not be shared.' Damn if they aren't picking up the censorship game big time. F****** insane.

We Will Prevail!
They feel might, they feel powerful, but God had His People defeat the Giants of the land long ago. What Was Before Will be again. . .Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” That encodes a 10 God's number for completion so No Doubt it will come to pass! You are More than welcome to copy and past to make your own post.
I am also archiving on my site.
I will drop a link in comments if possible.

Giants by Neoni

If you haven't seen it, Also Worth the Watch. . .
Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes 2020 - All of his bits chained

From another Facebook post question on my page,

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Also on Natural News but Facebook said I am not allowed to share that link here. Weird because I thought the radical left was For natural foods. At least they used to SAY they were, but I guess it's Bill Gate's track record that shows otherwise as Vandana Shiva and also people in Africa spell it.

Pretty wild because they speak about a "Virus" in the show Utopia and just as he experimented on the women in Kenya, that is Exactly what they were doing in that show. ..putting sterilization into the vaccines. Deciding whether people are allowed to have children or not.

I guess in their minds they are gods unto themselves and their followers that sadly lap it all up. The people in Kenya and in India have spoken out and Rightly So! Proud of them for standing up for their rights!

I know I'm not allowed to share the Black Opinion link on this, thought they were for Black people, but turns out, they are only for the Black people that speak up for the globalist, elitite and tech giant agenda.

I can give you all the link though here in my steemit,

Some great info on there also shared out by other Guardians like this one,

Trump Lawyer Eviscerates Media as they try to yell over her

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