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RE: The British Elites and the Paedophile cover ups.

in #truth7 years ago

Ole Dammegard. What an excellent man.
I am wondering though---->What has everyone been doing?!

Why the fuck is this shit continuing, we must ask ourselves.

Because it is Systemic.

I am not usually all godly and bible like, however, there is an interesting verse in Ephesians that rings true for what we are up against:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places -Ephesians 6:12

Its Time To Shine the light on the Cockroaches,

And SAVE these babies and children.

Its the least they deserve from us.

BeBrave and SteemOn, My dear friend. <3


Thanks for all your support and your friendship babe. The truth will out eventually.

I think the reason why so many of high placed persons are paedophiles is blackmail. They will stay inline now matter what, because if exposed they know they are going down hard & fast. So above those paedophiles are people (not sure if I can call them that) who control them. So I strongly believe being a paedophile is actually a requirement. How else could you allow horrific experiments like vaccinations and what have you, on the public?

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