Trust God

images-3.jpgDavid said, from the rising of the sun, to the going down of the sun I, Will, Bless, the name of the Lord, - this did not come from a voice that was immature, it takes maturity, - Anyone can quote the scripture, but only few can testify.
. . . A young man can write those words, but it takes a seasoned person to say i was once young, now i am old, yet have i not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. {psalm 37:29}.
. . .You have to live to some age with experience before you can say "let us hear the conclusion of the a whole matter fear God.........
It is easy to worship God d when the sun is up, the bills are taken care of, you travelled for vacations..but when the sun begins to go down, you begin to be stricken with attritise difficulties, you have been waiting, can you say "I, will, bless, the name of the Lord? It was job who said" though he slay me, yet will i trust in him. Job 13:15. . . Listen! no ome can worship God for you! No matter who sit in front of you, who is singing beside you, the voice can be as golden as that of "Laudra vandrous- sometimes we have to come here and say" Lord! create im me a new heart... You know, church people can be funny sometimes- They look handsome, beautiful, well dress and give u a kiss or probably an hug but they gossip you at your back, they can lok clean out side but crazy on the inside, but our God is not like that, God supports his people, never let them down he's always there for his people that's why there is need for us to trust our maker and creator our one and only saviour images-4.jpg.
If you need to write something down, write this down- worry about nothing, pray about everything - you may write that down on the chalk board of your mind, with the aid of a permanent paint.
. . . It is easy to tell someone "trust God" but it is a different bowl of wax to do it. Some of us have the theological teust not practical trust. I trust God because the bible says so. {phil 4:6} be anxious for nothing !. The problem of many of us is " the scripture is located in the bible but it has not been relocated in our conscience, we have a lot of slogans-i am blessed, i am annoited, am untouchable, am too anoited to suffer! . . But the truth is, if rhe scripture never come of the page and relocate in yoir conscience, ypu will never practice what you hear! - make sense?.
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1.It is hard to trust somebody you never talk to, if you domt know his character, but when tou know their character coupled with some conversation, it may increase your trust - make sense?., there are some people i will never trust because i know their character, i can love you but never trust you, i can love you unconditionally, but am not going to trust you unconditionally. I need to know you are trust worthythat you have a track record, that you're faithful, dependable, A person, who, when they say what they say they mean what they say!, and that's. what am here to say! that when it comes to the character of God, God has never said something he doesn't make good of! Never!. One of the highest evidence of bible inspiration is prophecy-God can speak 700yrs before something happen and 700yrs later it will happen like God said it! According to the circumstances later! - by the way that is the acid test for false prophets.

  1. The other thing is. How often do i talk to him. . How do i build my trust?, by increasing my fervent. Prayer life, the least you talk to God, it is to rhat degree you don't trust him, learn how to talk to God on a regular basis!
    And in prayer God will make exchange for your anxiety and give you peace. Let me tell you something about prayer- when you pray to God you're not informing him of anything, you are not telling him something he dont know!, you are not giving him news! He already knows. There is nothing that catches God offguard, it catches you not God, for God is never surprised!. #
  2. Purpose of prayer. . . Something happens in prayer that actually benefits me, it alllows me ro trust in the providence of God. The more i pray to him, the more my trust in him increases. It allows me to make the exchange that i need to make-that is, i will give God my anxiety and God will give me his peace, i need that to happen, i need moment when i have to make an exchange. When am not practicing prayerthat is when my anxiety ery is the highest!.
    . . . . . . . . . I dont have to be in a certain posture to pray-i could be walking down the road, i pray in the car, i pray in the kitchen., i pray, everywhere, anywhere!.
    . . God's line is open all the time for me to have a dialogue with him, he's line is never busy! always open, he never turn me back or around! - as soon as i say God! He says" son what do you need? " he is always on the line, always available.
    . . When i call you, you may never answer your phone! It may be busy, it might get disconnected! But God's phone is not hooked to your network, it is always opened!.
    . . If you pray right and cast your care unto him {1 pet 5:7} God will releave you of your anxiety and give you peace and freedom.

..... For more posts, stay tuned @ anchormanphilex.

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