Sending 4,000 More Troops to Afghanistan Will Accomplish Nothing

in #trump7 years ago


Donald Trump vs Taliban (LOSS) 11-12
Sending 4,000 additional troops to Afghanistan will bring the total number of troops stationed there to around 15,000. This is only 15% of the troops stationed there under the Obama Administration (100,000 troops) from 2009 to 2011. If 100,000 troops could not stabilize the region, what will an additional 4,000 do? The problem is the USA cannot stabilize the region through military efforts. The Afghan government is corrupt. The Afghan people do not trust their government. Since the US backs their corrupt government, the Afghan people do not like the USA either. This lack of trust and faith in the Afghan government has created a void for the Taliban to come in and take power.


Here is the my complete Donald Trump Policy Record as of 09/20/2017 (My thoughts as events occurred):

Donald Trump vs Trans-Pacific Partnership (WIN) 1-0
Even Bernie Sanders agrees: "I am glad the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead and gone. Now is the time to develop a new trade policy that helps working families, not just multi-national corporations."

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin vs ISIS (WIN) 2-0
The Pentagon and Russia coordinate to take on ISIS in the Middle East.

Donald Trump vs Executive Branch Spending (WIN) 3-0
Trump issues an Executive Branch Federal Hiring Freeze. Even if you don't like Trump, do you really want more people working directly for him?

Donald Trump vs Federal Spending on Foreign Abortion (WIN) 4-0
Trump reinstates the Mexico City Policy that blocks U.S. federal funding for non-governmental organizations to provide abortion.

Donald Trump vs Affordable Care Act Penalities (WIN) 5-0
Executive Order to Affordable Care Act Administrators to cease from assessing any penalties, fines, or taxes on anybody who is noncompliant with the ACA.

Donald Trump vs 7 Country Immigration (LOSS) 5-1
The ban on immigrants entering the United States from 7 countries should not have extended to visa and green card holders. People who live in the US should not have to be afraid of traveling abroad and not being able to return.

Donald Trump and King Salman vs Syrian Refugee Crisis (WIN) 6-1
Donald Trump and Saudi King Salman reach an agreement for Saudi Arabia to accept Syrian refugees and house them in Hajj pilgrimage areas.

Donald Trump vs Yemen (LOSS) 6-2
Donald Trump continues Obama's failed foreign policy in Yemen and it leads to the death of an 8-year-old American citizen.

Donald Trump vs Open Supreme Court Position (WIN) 7-2
Donald Trump appoints conservative Judge Neil Gorsuch, who has a bipartisan reputation for basing decisions on the law and not personal beliefs.

Donald Trump vs Iran (LOSS) 7-3
Putting Iran "officially on notice" is dumb for the following reasons:
1.) It doesn't amount to a hill of beans
2.) Iran did not violate any Treaty made with the US
3.) Iran did not attack a Saudi Arabian ship. A Houthi terrorist group did, and no decisive link has been established to the Iranian government.
4.) This does not bode well for Russian relations as Iran is an ally of Russia
5.) The GOP is pushing a false narrative that Iran is trying to build nuclear missiles so they can go to war with Iran. This is the Iraq War all over again.

Donald Trump vs Lobbyists (WIN) 8-3
Donald Trump makes Executive Branch workers pledge to not accept gifts from lobbyists nor engage in lobbying activities for 5 years after serving.

Donald Trump vs War (WIN) 9-3
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has announced that war with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad is no longer a priority for the United States. This is an act of peace as the US had no business starting a war against Syria by arming rebel groups associated with ISIS.

Donald Trump vs War ( the previous WIN retracted less than 12 hours later): 8-3
The decision to leave Syria was a lie

Donald Trump vs Syria (LOSS) 8-4
Trump has launched an undeclared war against Syria with absolutely no proof that Assad gassed his own people. This is going to end very badly and is just the beginning.

Donald Trump vs Afghanistan (LOSS) 8-5
Dropping a MOAB bomb on Afghanistan is not a responsibility that should be delegated to Generals. Does this mean military Generals now have the authority to drop nuclear bombs on any country we are not at war with?

Donald Trump vs Al-Shabaab (LOSS) 8-6
Trump expands Obama's failed war in Somalia by sending ground troops to fight terrorist group Al-Shabaab. It also just so happens the Indian Ocean coast of Somalia has one of the world's largest oil reserves.

Donald Trump vs James Comey (WIN) 9-6
Firing FBI Director James Comey was long overdue. This is a man who did not pursue criminals with any authority, but instead illegally used the FBI to spy on ordinary citizens in a manner similar to the NSA.

Donald Trump vs world peace (LOSS) 9-7
Trump's trip to the Middle East was more about protecting the Petrodollar than it was about world peace. Selling $310 Bilion in arms to Saudi Arabia is questionable at the very least. Wikileaks revealed that they have a history of supporting radical extremist groups like ISIS. Furthermore, we are acting as a guns for hire organization by helping the Saudi's wipe out the Shiite population in Yemen.

Donald Trump vs Climate Change (WIN) 10-7
Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Agreement is favorable for the United States. The agreement does not deal with pollution, but instead with carbon dioxide, which is NOT a pollutant. It has not been established that more CO2 or rising temperatures are bad for the earth, nor that their increase is man-made. The earth has naturally had periods where CO2 was far more abundant and tempertaures were higher and these were all pre-Industrial Revolution.

Donald Trump vs Syria Continued (LOSS) 10-8
The US continues to interfere in Syria including shooting down an armed aircraft. This does not bode well for relations with Russia and the US is fighting on the wrong side by aiding forces that are pro-ISIS.

Donald Trump vs Cuba (LOSS) 10-9
Ending trade relations with Cuba is pointless. While Cuba is "communist" (big deal) and has a history of major human rights violations, so does China and Saudi Arabia and nobody in government is saying we should stop trading with them. In fact, they are two of our biggest trading partners.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin vs war (WIN) 11-9
The US and Russia agree to a ceasefire in Syria. Anyone who criticizes this needs to have their motives questioned for warmongering.

Donald Trump vs Russia (LOSS) 11-10
Donald Trump signs law to put more sanctions on Russia that will specifically affect Russia's ability to sell natural gas and other resources to Europe. This shows the great weakness of the Trump Administration, as Trump ran on a platform of better relations with Russia. Now he is giving in to the pressure of the media and the Neocons.

Donald Trump vs North Korea (LOSS) 11-11
Tough rhetoric and support for sanctions against North Korea is reckless. It is nothing more than a continuation of the Korean War and it seriously puts the national security of South Korea in danger. When Trump was running for President, he stated that North Korea was not a threat to the USA and was a problem for Japan to face. Now he has established an an insignificant red-line that his opponents will undoubtedly use to make him look weak.

Donald Trump vs Taliban (LOSS) 11-12
Sending 4,000 additional troops to Afghanistan will bring the total number of troops stationed there to around 15,000. This is only 15% of the troops stationed there under the Obama Administration (100,000 troops) from 2009 to 2011. If 100,000 troops could not stabilize the region, what will an additional 4,000 do? The problem is the USA cannot stabilize the region through military efforts. The Afghan government is corrupt. The Afghan people do not trust their government. Since the US backs their corrupt government, the Afghan people do not like the USA either. This lack of trust and faith in the Afghan government has created a void for the Taliban to come in and take power.


The poison of the U.S government besides the corrupt politicians is the Military Industrial Complex

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