A real White House There are more than one senior officer who wants to dismiss Trump. "The snake is everywhere."

in #trump6 years ago

A real White House There are more than one senior officer who wants to dismiss Trump. "The snake is everywhere."

Some White House officials revealed that Trump’s mind was filled with conspiracy theories and always said “The White House is full of poisonous snakes and we are driving them out.” As the loyalists left Trump became a loner and became a paranoid who no one believed.

First the "Watergate Incident" reporter published a secret and the "New York Times" anonymous article broke the news. After that Trump who is in the White House has said goodbye to the word "security."

On September 6 another White House official complained to the cutting-edge media Axios saying that Trump was filled with conspiracy theories. Both senior officials and his personally selected assistants were all suspicious. hat of.

A person familiar with the matter who had discussed with the President about the White House leaked out that after the relevant report flowed out when Trump was very frustrated with the leak he would slam the "Viper" in the White House.

Axios reported that as early as last year Trump had carried a handwritten list with his suspected leaked objects. Another source close to the president said that this is basically the normal state of Trump

We have to drive them away. The White House is full of snakes but we are trying to get them out.

Trump's paranoia doesn't stop there. According to informed sources

Earlier everyone was meeting in the Roosevelt Hall and Trump sat at the table and began to speak. When he spoke well he turned and went to see who was sitting next to the wall behind him.

One day later he even said "Everything that has just happened will be leaked out. I don't know anyone who was in the room."

Trump also frequently asks questions from White House personnel under his opponent asking them how to look at their colleagues and who is trustworthy. The embarrassing thing is that such an inquiry will only bring more confusion to Trump the general operation of officials is to attack competitors so that the president does not even know who to trust.

Close to the president Axios said that people are talking about the loyalty of Trump people have left. "That is to say Trump knows that there are fewer and fewer people and it's no wonder that he is so paranoid."

Many White House officials privately admit to Axios that they think Trump is not very stable and sometimes moves slowly. Therefore many senior officials have been comparing themselves to "saving the United States and the world from the president."

This attitude is very similar to the description in the latest book Fear Trump in the White House which reveals the insider of the White House.

The author of the book Bob Woodward a famous American journalist who made Nixon stepped down because of the report "Watergate Incident" wrote in his book that Trump is not working to restrain his anger and work in the White House. Employees and officials have learned to be cautious. Former National Economic Council Chairman Gary Cohn and former White House Presidential Secretary Rob Porter in order to "protect national security" avoiding Trump signing some documents secretly taking away documents on his desk including requirements. Draft of the notice of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the US-South Korea Free Trade Agreement. Trump did not notice that there were documents missing.

Rob Porter and others worried that the draft notice of the withdrawal of NAFTA and the US-Korea FTA could trigger economic and diplomatic crises so he told Cohen about it. Cohen told him "I can stop this." "I just took the paper away from the table."

Recently there has been a sudden explosion of Trump and the White House. On Wednesday a current White House senior official reported in the New York Times that due to the "instability" of the president at the beginning of Trump's appointment cabinet officials had discussed adopting a constitutional measure. Let Trump step down early. This official is one of the participants.

The article said that the way the cabinet proposed to remove the president had already been privately exchanged inside the White House but the cabinet officials finally decided to oppose it because it would trigger a constitutional crisis.

Axios quoted a senior official as saying that after the New York Times article the reactions of the White House were very interesting - everyone looked shocked and did not seem to have such resistance within.

Many of us want to be the author of the article I doubt... I hope that Trump knows that there are many people like us - maybe he already knows?

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