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RE: U.S. Housing Prices Have Risen So High, People Pushed Below the Poverty Line!
That's not the recession I'm talking about. That's just criminal injustice. I'm talking about bank failures, major corporations going under, government slashing expenditures.
We definitely do need to cut government spending. I doubt that will ever happen though. Dems love welfare socialism and Republicans love military socialism. People might lose all or most of their money at the banks if they collapse and millions of Americans could lose their jobs when corporations fail. On the bright side it's nice we have crypto currencies to escape from failing government currencies.
what is happening in venezuela is horrible and prove that rats with no souls are doing whatever to stay in power, with the reset of this debt based system, I hope countries like Venezuela could start again to flourish, luckily cryptos will give the strength, that we lost, back to us.
Venezuela rats seem similar to our socialist rats. I think we REALLY need to cut government spending. In other words we are screwed. Hopefully people don't die here in the USA like they are dying in Venezuela.