Will Trump Be Different than Hillary or Obama? w/Eric Dubin SoT #125 (Video)
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I still can't believe she didn't win...my first video..."Hillary" singing (me in a wig), Why Do They Hate Me In Haiti...was doing well on youtube. I had my second song all ready to go...Change of Regime, about going after Russia and taking us into World War 3. If I have to get a Trump wig...I will. Maybe I'll start smoking to get my voice lower so I can sound more like him. Regarding Russia...I don't think he's going to do that...unless the neocons totally infiltrate his cabinet. Can't Ron Paul get a meeting with him to warn him?
trump probably will not take us to war unless, like you say, the neocons threaten him. They are infiltrating his cabinet - I just posted another article showing all the "contenders" and it is littered with criminals.