
So what is that you do see for the USA?!?

Well, its up to the citizens and the people that live there. They are the ones who are in control..... as time develops, everyone realizes we are responsible for our homes. The more people work on themseleves and with other, the easier everything might be I would imagine. Highlighting it seems the universe is asking for a large emotional response to help everyone shake out. Seems as though it will be interesting!

Whats your thoughts?

I hope that the will of the people will actually be enforced, because in today's world representatives make promises that they have no intention of keeping, it is just their way to get into power. In addition if the majority of people keep the mentality of today the legwork will be ignored because in today's world the path of least resistance is generally the one taken, but I truly hope that I'm wrong and the people of the world surprise me.

I see a financial collapse BUT another ,pre equitable financial system is ready to move in immediately if not before the collapse. I also see truths being revealed that the world will find MIND BLOWING- and they will be. I see turmoil but in the end peace and love will prevail and overtake the forces of evil once and for all here on Earth. At least for another 25,000 years anyway. I believe we are on the cusp of the golden age of humanity BUT we have a little legwork to do first- we have to earn what's coming and that comes through awareness. The Luciferian controlled MSM is losing all credibility- they look pathetic really and are indeed the standard in that whatever they say the opposite is most likely true- best to start there.

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