Election Thoughts: It's an Elaborate Ruse!

in #trump8 years ago

Literally everyone is talking about why the Democrats lost the election these days. Many Liberals are saying it's because, essentially, we were too arrogant and turned people off by insulting them. Bullshit. Look at any Conservative website and count the number of insults hurled towards Libtards. I mean Lieberals. I mean fascist scum. That's what anyone who isn't conservative gets called by conservatives.

To hear conservatives talk, it definitely wasn't racists. Never mind the numerous hate crimes the day after the election. The celebration parades being planned by the KKK. Never mind the white supremacists shouting sig heil at Trump rallies. No, according to conservatives it was the "silent majority.

Let's be clear here.

Trump received a mere 27% of the vote. In fact, many Republicans would not vote for him. Traditional Republican organizations actually endorsed Clinton, or at least stated they could not endorse Trump. Even GOP leaders kept waffling on support for Trump.

Clinton actually won the popular vote.

There is no silent majority here.

Trump won by such a small margin that even if only 1% of his voters were white supremacists they actually made the difference.

Now, hold here... before you skip down to the comments to lambaste me for calling Trump supporters racist read on... because I'm going somewhere with this. Like I said, even if 1%... but any community is going to have racists. There are racist liberals too!

Now let's look at Trump's strategy. He didn't talk about plans beyond a couple big ones. One thing he mentioned often was banning all Muslims, next was building a wall to keep Mexicans out. You can point out nuances in the delivery or whatever, but people will hear what they want to. So to a white supremacist banning all Muslims probably sounds like "now we can kick them out of the country" even if Trump did say something to mitigate it.

What happened right after the election though?

The plan for banning Muslims was dropped from his website.

Then plan for building a wall has now become building a fence, exactly like Clinton was going to.

The plan for abolishing the ACA has become liking parts of the ACA and revamping it to fix parts that aren't working. If that sounds familiar, it's because Clinton was saying much the same thing.

I think his anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican plans, along with his questionable delivery, were bait. First it garnered him a little more support among the worst elements of our society. (Please note, I am not saying all Trump voters are bad, but again he garnered endorsements from the KKK so certainly some of his supporters are.)

Perhaps more importantly, it provided an easy target for the left to go after. The left, and the mainstream media, absolutely took that bait. Now people are saying that we lost for calling Trump supporters racist. Not a bad plan, really. Not enough to truly swing the election though.

It's a trap!

Now on to what I really think truly carried election, and leads into the master plan. Propaganda. On a daily basis something was being released by the alt-right media to make Hillary look bad. At least one guy on this site was posting three times a day with something to make Hillary look bad, sometimes even utterly ridiculous things like claiming she was hiding aliens. Much has been made of the wikileaks emails, and of course the FBI did it's part by "reopening" an investigation and announcing it days before the election while they remained silent on their investigation of Trump's ties to Russia.

You can listen to anyone talk and they'll talk about how Hillary was mired in scandal. Of course she was, because the GOP made sure new scandals were announced on a daily basis. None of it had to be true, it just had to be loud enough and frequent enough that people would keep questioning.

Catapult the propaganda

The real hope wasn't to get Hillary arrested, Trump proved that when complementing her in his concession speech. The hope was to get Democrats to stay home.

Maybe now you're thinking "isn't that what you want in an election?" Well, it has it's benefits but a more standard ploy is to have your candidate be popular enough to garner more votes.

In fact, let's look at some of Trump's plans that he released after the election.

  • Term limits
  • 5 year ban on White House and Congressional officials becomming lobbyists
  • Ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for the election
  • End The offshoring Act
  • Clean up Corruption in Washington

These are fairly reasonable, and could even have garnered support among liberals who disliked Clinton. So why then, stick to not talking about his plans other than the most controversial ones? Why not try to get a true majority of people behind him?

He didn't talk about his more positive plans because the GOP wanted liberals to stay home rather than to vote Trump.

Because a Liberal who voted Trump, might still vote Democrat for Congress and the House.

They didn't want liberals voting, nor did they want moderate Republicans voting. They only wanted people who would vote straight Republican to vote. Anyone who might vote for another party was alienated by Trump's rhetoric and demagoguery or being lumped in with racists by the Democrats.

So what's next? The Tea Party now has a solid majority in the House and Senate with Mike Pence, one of their own, lying in wait as the VP. Trump is about to stand trial for racketeering, which if he's guilty could lead to impeachment before he even takes the Presidency. If this happens, Pence is President and as a bonus the GOP can probably blame a liberal conspiracy. The actual party leadership has certainly never shown anything but grudging endorsement of Trump.


And I don't think the RNC or the DNC will actually be viable entities in the next election.

If they are, I feel they will have mastered, by that time, the use of "twitter", while the new candidates will be using a platform that has relegated twitter to the annals of MySpace.

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