Impeaching Trump: An Artless Political Deal

in #trump5 years ago

Currently the Democratic Party is seeking to impeach President Donald Trump without going through the U.S. Constitutional requirement of the House of Representatives voting on impeachment. If Speaker Nancy Pelosi brings Congress together for an impeachment vote and they vote for impeachment than the issue gets passed to the Senate. Than the Senate opens a criminal investigation to delve into the charges levied against President Trump by the House of Representatives. This means two major things. Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats in particular and Congress in general lose control of the impeachment inquiry. Since the actual proceedings will be conducted by the Senate which has a Republican majority. Secondly, the Senate will conduct the impeachment along the lines of a criminal trial. Both the President and the Democrats will offer up witnesses and evidence which will be part of the public record.

The Republicans will investigate the Ukraine affair which includes the Bidens’ involvement. Currently the Democrats, in the form of Congressman Adam Schiff, are conducting an impeachment inquiry which doesn’t exist under the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution calls for an impeachment vote by the House and if passed, the actual investigation is to be conducted by the Senate. The House of Representatives doesn’t have the constitutional authority to investigate the President for impeachment. That authority lies solely with the U. S. Senate. Having Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats calling it an impeachment inquiry and trying to bypass the U.S. Constitution is illegal. Speaker Pelosi is lying when she says she isn’t required to bring the impeachment inquiry up for a vote. That is the only way to make this issue ‘street legal’. Currently President Trump can ignore subpoenas until the issue of impeachment is voted on. If the House votes yes than it is passed to the Senate. Than President Trump has to cooperate with the investigation or face possible obstruction charges by the Senate not the House.

The Democratic Party is seeking to remove President Trump without having to go through the constitutional requirements of a Congressional impeachment vote. This amounts to a political coup which isn’t supported by the U.S. Constitution. After failing to remove President Trump using the Russian hoax they are trying to succeed with the Ukraine hoax. The only other thing is by going after the President using Ukraine they are also destroying Democratic Joe Biden do to the business dealings of his son Hunter. The political operatives knew this at the time which means they have decided to get rid of both Biden and Trump. It is expected that Pelosi will continue to grandstand Trump until he is forced to file a case in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, with its conservative majority, is expected to rule in favor of President Trump. They will either force Speaker Pelosi to drop the illicit impeachment inquiry or force her to hold a House vote on impeachment. Any expectations this illicit impeachment inquiry will drag on until Election Day November 2020 is delusional.

The Alliance (supporting Trump) is still fighting for supremacy over the Deep State (supporting Pelosi). The rumors of military trials being conducted at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba haven’t been verified publicly. The Alliance has been credited with starting these trials against Americans since January 2019. The panic of certain Democrats that they too will be arrested and sent to Gitmo would help explain the desperation they feel in going after President Trump. Another issue is that the current crop of Democratic candidates isn’t expected to beat Trump on election day. This is another reason for them to impeach Trump. Although, Major Tulsi Gabbard is a strong candidate to take on Trump, the DNC is blacklisting her since she is calling for an end to the regime changing wars. These regime changing wars are the proverbial bread and butter the Deep State are profiting from. These are the same Deep State operatives who are facing possible trials at Gitmo.

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