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RE: 6 Reasons Why Donald Trump has Been "Winning" his Fight With the Media

in #trump8 years ago

we can't trust a free press. now that sounds like I'm advocating all sorts of control, but I look at this in a different fashion.

We all have biases. Me? I'm so rightwing I think Attila the Hun is a liberal ;>

So a free press means that any specific press outlet has it's own bias (not accounting for groupthink within the industry).

People with biases can't be trusted...not even me ;>

So we shouldn't trust any press. We need to fact-check, then fact-check the fact-checkers. We need to go to the source docs. We need to triangulate various news stories against each other. We need to understand our own biases when we do all this.

Most people don't want to do this, and pick a news source or two and rely on that source for their info.

Post a comment on one of my posts when you write your media blog; I'd like to read it!


I really agree with a few of your points.

And I guess I lean more left than right - but I especially advocate fact checking.

You really can't read anything without taking it with grain of salt - or real research.

Absolutely bias creeps in - I worry about it with everything I write.

It's tough to write with a personality but still be objective..ish.

But I absolutely will get in touch - maybe for your opinion on some topics to have two sides of a story.

I appreciate the fact that you admit being more left leaning than right (maybe center). But I really appreciate the fact that you tried not to show a bias in the way you framed your story. Having a bias leaning one way or the other discredits journalist and has driven millions of Americans away from the Mainstream media. Thanks, Well done!

Thanks, that means a lot!

I really believe there's a spectrum on most issues - including Trump.

I also don't want to be misleading with where I stand on issues so Steemians can judge for themselves if I have a bias in a story I write - feedback helps everyone, I think.

Thanks again!

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