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RE: Just As Intended: The U.S. Election Is Tearing Us To Shreds - by Suzie Dawson

in #trump7 years ago

How convenient that the MSM won't cover Israel and the Fed. Assange could use social media and video to get anyone message that he wanted to get out, but only if he wanted to and he doesn't.

Assange said that 9/11 was a false conspiracy.

I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud. - Julian Assange

Source: Belfast Telegraph, July 19, 2010


So you've gone from claiming Assange supports Israel (debunked) to Assange is in bed with the MSM (debunked) to "how convenient the MSM don't publish on it"

You need to spend a lot more time reading the actual documents leaked by WikiLeaks and Snowden and a lot less time regurgitating smears on their individual characters

WOW - thanks to your nonsense I just discovered WikiLeaks history of 9/11 truth-telling.

Incredible. cc @An0nkn0wledge @theouterlight look at the below link you guys, mountains of phenomenal stuff

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