Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" Again, MSNBC Purposely Misses The Point
I couldn't find the original clip, so here is Mark Dice commentating on the MSNBC "fact check". Go follow him and consider donating to his Patreon if you like the content.
The thing is, MSNBC is purposely obfuscating the point, hoping that their audience -- you -- is to stupid to notice what they're doing.
The reason that Trump calls Warren "Pocahontas" is because she applied for a job at Harvard and checked her ethnicity as "Native American", in hopes of getting some of those sweet, sweet diversity hiring advantages. Either that or she's trans-ethnic? But she's never come out as such, so I'm going to go with diversity hiring advantages. And doing that -- lying about your ethnicity to manipulate federal hiring rules -- is kiiiiiiiiina like fraud.
And what MSNBC is trying to do here is act like Trump -- and you, the viewer -- somehow don't know what the nickname is supposed to mean.
lol that youtuber was hilarious! :D
Yeah, Dice has a pretty lighthearted view for a conservative watchdog. I tend to be amused by his content and style.
Why was this comment flagged? Are you on someone's bot-hitlist
No idea what I have done to offend anyone here.
Do you think it has something to do with getting 10 upvotes on comments in a post that only has 8 views? You must be onto something, my friend!