Trump supports inciting religous and racial hatred in the UK

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

Well, if my expectations of MR Trump wernt already so low, this would have been shocking, but lets be honest, by now it seems like business as ususal from POTUS.

If you didnt know, Mr Trump retweeted some dispicable posts from a member of a UK far right group 'Britian First'; some of who's members are in jail for various crimes to do with spreading hatred.

What the videos actually Show:

In an unusual show of decisiveness, UK Prime Minister Teresa May quite correctly called out Mr Trump on his error.

Ever the ignorant, Mr Trump responded that Mrs May should be more concerned with terrorism in the UK than what he tweets.

The reason this response is 'ignorant' worthy, is because the tweets that Mr Trump sent, give the oxygen of publicity to people who's aim is to create more terrorism. However, I suppose to Mr Trump, so long as the terrorism is far away, he doesnt really care.

The state visit that Mrs May extended to Mr Trump very early, and was always a risky proposition, now looks to be mired in controversy, no mainstream UK politition would support it.

Incidentally this throws into sharp relief the cries of Brexiteers, that we can forge a trade deal with the USA. Not only would we have to eat GM soya, unsanitary meat products, give up the UK pharma industries and allow US firms to sue our government, but we would have to accept imports of Trump flavour extremism.

Thanks, but no thanks. The EU may be boring, but at least they are on our side.


It is difficult watching the UK commit suicide, but perhaps it's inevitable.

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