Whatever Trump Is Hiding Is Hurting All of Us Now

in #trump6 years ago

"Our democracy is in serious danger.

"President Trump is either totally compromised by the Russians or is a towering fool, or both, but either way he has shown himself unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy. …

"My guess is what Trump is hiding has to do with money. … But whatever it is, Trump is either trying so hard to hide it or is so naïve about Russia that he is ready to not only resist mounting a proper defense of our democracy, he’s actually ready to undermine some of our most important institutions, the F.B.I. and Justice Department, to keep his compromised status hidden.

"That must not be tolerated. This is code red. The biggest threat to the integrity of our democracy today is in the Oval Office." ~ Thomas Friedman

"Another pundit sounds the alarm (and rightly so). "Code red" is not an exaggeration (IMO). And how long will the Republicans in Congress tolerate (and abet) this? Are they willing to see our democracy destroyed so they can cling to power?"


One of the best post keep it up. I am happy to see your hard work.

he is fearless he need not hide anything

There are far worse enemies that have undermined the American constitution and the very puppeteers that decides and influences what the American people must believe the truth ought to be.

They feed us propaganda through mass media and mainstream news, they start wars in foreign lands and they basically got all of us thinking Trump is part of the Kremlin.

The truth is we don't really need to be part of the (minority's) fight for power, as we already have an option to decentralize the existing power structures and render these useless man irrelevant.

There is no right and there is no wrong. You and I have the power to change all that by managing our own finances using cryptocurrencies. And not all of them like the idea either. But we must keep at it. :)


excellent post, very interesting your point of view

The controvertion presiden is Trump.

I adobt if Trump still has focus

we all know about policies that trump made and we suffer from hell. In new world where everyone want power and gun-culture are famous then this trump will want to become its first ruler. 😠
@sarahlouise thanks for this hidding risk from this losser.

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