Donald Trump for the win: A black man's perspective

in #trump8 years ago

It is unfortunate that in today's political climate that people are quick to insult someone with hurtful accusations if they have a different political viewpoint. In the Black American community it is particularly bad. For since before I was born Black people have voted Democrats for presidents at rates over 90%. Although we keep voting for the same party, conditions in the black community have steadily deteriorated over since the 60's . Democratic city strongholds like Chicago and Baltimore only make people think about homicide and the great HBO crime show " The Wire"

I voted for Barrack Obama in 2008 almost entirely because he was black. Most of my friends and family did the same. There was a great sense of pride and a sense that "we made it". After watching Obama go back on his word on most of his promises that I had believed in I could not get myself to vote for him in 2012. What were these offenses one might ask? In my mind Obama continued all of the worst of George Bush's policy's. His illegal war against Libya and the assassination of Gaddafi was the final straw for me. Watching the Nobel Peace price winner start an illegal war of agression for nefarious reasons was too much. Obama continued illegal NSA spying, expanded the Drone wars and failed to imprison any of the bankers the ruined the economy in 2008. Hillary Clinton was by Obama's side directing him on Libya and then in arming the "Syrian Rebels" in the ongoing regime change plan in Syria. The indirect war on Syria has directly contributed to the creation of ISIS and the Migrant Crisis in Europe.

The list of Hillary Clinton's crimes and transgressions are so long I will only name a few that are of significant importance to the Black Community. The most foul of all the Clinton have done to black people in America is the passage of the 1994 Clinton "lock a nigga up" crime bill. There are millions of families that have been affected. We have a whole generation of Black families that have been devastated. The Clinton Foundation support for one of Africa's worst dictators Paul Kagame of Rwanda is shocking. Everyone should watch the new documentary "Clinton Cash" and you will understand more about this subject.

Now on to Donald Trump. Many people say he is a racist. They say he says racist things. To that charge I counter: suppose Trump has said racist things...Clinton has done racist things.....Actions vs Words...whats more important?

I support Trump over Clinton for many reasons, but the key reason is that Trump is for America first, while Hillary is a Globalist. She represents Globalism, has pushed for devastating free trade agreements and is a massive recipient of funds from Globalist Banks.

Hillary Clinton is also a neoliberal war hawk. She supported the Iraq war, has pushed for army Ukraine and even suggested a no-fly zone in Syria. A no fly zone in Syria would have required Shooting down Russian planes and potentially starting World War Three.

My stance is very unpopular among many black people. We have been conditioned to vote Democrat. Even worse any black man that does not share the same opinion of the Black orthodoxy is immediately called a "coon" or " a sellout". There is no room for discussion and any dissent will not be tolerated. I often ask myself how can a black man ever truly be free if he is not allowed to have his own opinion.

Trump is far from perfect, but I am with him


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