Prez Trump has.... well ,ahem, a small weird wee wee and performs horribly in bed !

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

trump naked.jpg

First of all before I get lambasted by some Steemians for being childish and immature with this Post...let me remind those same people how this so called President has participated in so many immature antics and feuds( remember Rosy) and has objectified woman over and over again in such vile and immature ways.

So all Bets are off. And Karma is a Biatch !!

Stormy Daniels

In her new book says Trump has a below average size wee-wee ( as well as weird and gross looking) and the sex they had was probably the worse sex she ever had.

Of course...

Who is really surprised. Just look at the guy i.e.. the small hands, the uncharismatic nature about him, a fat ass body that is built on cheeseburgers and french fries etc..etc..


The news on this book is eating the sh@t out of this Prez. Trust me. He is so arrogant and egotistical. And to now think the whole world knows he has small , weird looking "junk" and cannot perform in bed to save his Life will cause many sleepless nights for this imbecile.

Like I said bring it on you Steemians who are calling me out for being childish with this post. I challenge you because I can come up with well over a dozen incidents where this POTUS was beyond childish and immature with his behavior.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander .

So Bring it ;)
Robert "Trumpeter" Andrew

Source of above pic


Yeah, nice try. (for a lefty lol).

The problem with this humor - is the only target is penis size and....penis size...

It's quite bizarre, if you think about it - when you consider that the sexualization of women is met with leftist tirades that's so high in volume it's shrieking...
....whether it is said in jest or not...
(What do think about Michelle's penis size? lol)

But it's ok for the left to use exactly the same 'ism's', and is deemed acceptable?

(Alinksy would have been proud! lol)

It's the same as using his skin color as a butt of jokes, but using skin color on anyone else is 'muh racism'...

The paradox of values speaks volumes about the mental space of delusion that's being occupied.

It's a good post though, it definitely highlights so many points and contradictions in perspectives - and illustrates as to how mental illness is so prevalent in the left...
Of course if you can't see that , that's symptomatic of the degree of suffering you are currently
(I also used to be mentally ill btw,- for quite a while - I cured myself....phew!)

I'll be doing a post today on how to star the long path back to sanity. And the great thing is - the path is so short!
... ill drop you a link..( you can thank me later. lol)

Love you @Lucilyn. But I have many Conservative Values including Pro- Death Penalty, Anti-abortion ( But Pro-Choice...yes it makes sense), and most of all Pro-Defense being the most critical issue out of EVERYTHING. It don't matter about education and poverty if we get nuked out of existence by N. Korea so we MUST spend large amounts of weaponry to negate this possibility. I have always thought that since I was a teenager and been able to think clearly.

If Bush, Rubio, or Kaisich were the Republican nominee I would have voted for them.

So it's good not to make assumptions that Iam a "Lefty". Iam NOT !1 I think you just desperately want to put me in that box. And that's a very dangerous thing to do to people.

But it ain't happening. I just hate vain, arrogant, bullies and the GOP should have NEVER put this retard as their Republican Nominee.

It's plain and simple as that. Do not try to make it more complicated than that.
It's NOT.

P.S. Are you kidding me...of course I like lower taxes ;)

P.P.S But I do like you regardless of what you might think :)

...apologies for tarnishing you with a lefty label - some thing are just downright unacceptable! lol. (an incorrect memory...bugger..)

...put this retard as their Republican Nominee.

I'm not arguing for Trump, just for what see - on what metric would you regard him as a retard?
I see no evidence of this...

P.S. Are you kidding me...of course I like lower taxes ;)

of course, you're not a lefty...

P.P.S But I do like you regardless of what you might think :)

Stop flirting with me , this is on the blockchain!!!

Stop flirting with me , this is on the blockchain!!!

You sexy thing you lol Why don't we meet up in Palm Springs Pride Week and really get in good with those liberals :)

claude frank.jpg

....where did you get my photo?

If there is a bright side to the Trump nonsense, he is at least exposing the weaknesses in our justice system.

He is using every tool at his disposal to undermine democracy and norms.

Es increible @robertandrew como hay personas como estás (Sr Trump) puede llegar a ser Presidente de un pais como EE.UU. El karma es muy peligroso

we all have to do the best with what god gave us and I think he's doing a pretty great job so...

In all due respect ,the guy is setting a horrible example for all people including young people. He should have NEVER been the Republican nominee. He thinks it's just fine to NEVER say sorry and insult as many people as possible. He is vile and a flat out a natioal disgrace

He is pretty much universally reviled by all those who work closely with him. The Republicans in the house and senate have become cultish followers even though he stands for no conservative values. They know that if they turn against him that he can end their career with a single Tweet.

Have you not noticed that every Republican representative who is retiring consitently blasts Trump?

This is not about left and right. It is about a dangerous prescenent that is being set by a loose cannon in the white house who only represents himself.

Trump has his secrets, then, jajajjajaj. Regards, @robertandrew.

I'm torn on Trump. He's a hard guy to like, not only is he very arrogant and cocky, but he also doesn't really do himself any favors by creating controversy and stirring things up. That said I do think the media is incredibly harsh on him as well. It's kind of like what came first the chicken or the egg. Is trump responding to being nonstop lambasted and hated by the media or did he bring it on himself

Hey, Bob, were you aware that you are repeating history when you denigrate Trump supporters?
History Lesson.JPG

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