Hours after inauguration, President Trump signs executive order that could dismantle Obamacare

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

 President Trump signed his first major executive order as President hours after being inaugurated, granting federal agencies the power to minimize "the economic burden" of Obamacare and rescind major regulations created under the health care law.Trump signed the order in the Oval Office late Friday, flanked by his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, Vice President Mike Pence and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.Without going into which federal regulations it will target, the two-page order states that the new administration's Cabinet heads "shall exercise all authority and discretion available to them to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay" any provisions in the Affordable Care Act that could impose "cost, fee, tax, penalty or regulatory burden" on individuals, health care providers, insurers or states.While the laws under the ACA cannot be completely undone by the stroke of a pen, the order gives the Department of Health and Human Services the ability to gut benefits that the law currently obliges insurance companies to include when selling plans to individuals and small businesses.

The order's vague reference to relieving financial burdens could indicate that the new administration is looking to roll back taxes implemented by the ACA on the health care industry. However, since those taxes are part of the law itself, it is unclear whether that would be possible before a full-fledged repeal.Medicaid is not specifically mentioned in the order, but the pledge to "provide greater flexibility to States" raises questions over whether the Trump administration is looking to dismantle rules requiring states to expand the low-cost care provision.The executive order signals Trump's eagerness to make good on his campaign promise to repeal Barack Obama's signature health care law immediately upon taking office. During the campaign, Trump repeatedly lambasted the law — which brought the rate of uninsured Americans to an all-time low — as a "horrible disaster."

Both Republicans and Democrats have raised concern over the prospect of repealing Obamacare without a replacement plan on the table. A study issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office on Tuesday found at least 18 million Americans would lose insurance coverage if the law is repealed without a replacement ready.Trump has yet to present any details about a replacement, but told the Washington Post last week that his plan is nearly finished and will "bring insurance for everybody."Also Friday evening, Trump's chief of staff Preibus announced an "immediate regulatory freeze" of pending regulations, including ones issued by the Obama administration to cut greenhouse gas emission

 President Donald Trump directed government agencies on Friday to freeze regulations and take steps to weaken Obamacare, using his first hours in the White House to make good on a campaign promise to start dismantling his predecessor's healthcare law.Heading into the Oval Office shortly after the conclusion of his inaugural parade, Trump signed an order on the Affordable Care Act that urged government departments to "waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay the implementation" of provisions that imposed fiscal burdens on states, companies or individuals.It also called for efforts to give states greater flexibility in implementing healthcare programs while developing "a free and open market in interstate commerce for the offering of healthcare services and health insurance."Health experts had speculated that Trump could expand exemptions from the so-called individual mandate, which requires Americans to carry insurance or face a penalty, or the requirement that employers offer coverage.Experts also believe the administration could try to reduce the “essential benefits,” such as maternity care and mental health services, that insurance plans must cover.The White House did not provide further details about the executive order.Trump's spokesman Sean Spicer said the White House also directed an immediate regulatory freeze for all government agencies in a memo from Trump's chief of staff, Reince Priebus. He did not offer details.Repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, one of former President Barack Obama's signature laws, was a central pledge for Trump during the presidential election campaign. Republicans in the U.S. Congress have not yet laid out a plan to recast the insurance program.

In a hastily arranged ceremony, surrounded by some of his aides, Trump sat behind the presidential Resolute Desk and signed the order. He also signed commissions for his newly confirmed defense secretary, James Mattis, and his homeland security secretary, John Kelly.Trump spoke briefly about his day with reporters. "It was busy, but good. It was a beautiful day," he said.Vice President Mike Pence then swore in Mattis and Kelly in a separate ceremony.There were other signs of change in the Oval Office, which Obama vacated on Friday morning. Golden drapes hung where crimson ones had earlier in the day and new furniture dotted the room.

Original Article - https://www.google.ca/amp/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN155010?client=ms-android-rogers-ca

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