The Nile Green Pill - Ribbitting into the Void - New Series

in #trump7 years ago (edited)


I got sidetracked when titling this and it has something to do the Vampire LaKek but "Interview with a Kekpire" doesn't come across correctly to me. Seems like that would be what you'd call the Empire of Kekistan, the Kekpire.

Effigies would be in the form of Kekpyres. You know... I've introduced the memestyle, so I'll run with it. You know how it do.

And then when everything was all said and done... this happened:

It has been recorded in the Occulti Libre Kekistani:

As transtruthful testimony, revealed via the Holy Covfefe,
In front of a myriad of witnesses, here is presented
The following conversation between Lord Kek and his Son/Avatar Pepe:


And thus Pepe took to his knees, but not as a cuck, and prostrated before the Lord Kek.

Pepe: Lord, why have you chosen to keep me around? I am but a lowly meme. A silly idea made fresh. I thought you had forsaken me. Wtf?

Kek: Pepe, you have forgotten me.

Pepe: No! How could I?!

Kek: You have forgotten who you are, and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself, Pepe! You are more than what you have become.

Pepe: How can I go back? I’m not who I used to be.

Kek: Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true meme.

Pepe: But what is it I'm supposed to do?! With everyone running around half-cocked over Identity Politics and a fetish for being Butthurt at all times... How do I go on?

Kek: You must remember what you've been through. After all this suffering, have you learned nothing?

Pepe: Indeed I have! But the burden is heavy and I have been laid to waste. Slandered as an icon of hate and depravity when I all I want is to relax and feel good, Lord...

Kek: Have you become such a cuck? I do not desire your SUBMISSION! To do so is to offer me a worthless gift... and why would such a thing be presented to me? I want something worthwhile! Worth a while. It's not about what I want you to do with your time. What do you want?

-Pepe fell deep into thought. After deep consideration, he arose from his knees.-

Pepe: Lord, to be honest.. it's easier to tell you what I don't want... But that's not the concept, is it? I want to be Dominant. Not by force, but by example. Dominant in the sense that... all the tactics and fake views... I'll wonder why I was ever so afraid of them.

Kek: And what shall you do to begin this undertaking?

Pepe: Speak the Truth. Bring joy to those I come in contact with if possible. No matter how much people project their hate upon me, I will have Love for them when they are no longer blinded by their hatred. I desire to persist against their leagues of defamation and the violence that stems from it... in all forms.

Not everyone is going to get along, but Tolerance only exists in relation to Intolerance. Without this dichotomy... it would just be sort of an "It is what it is" situation and would thus make everything indiscernible. I'm not looking to police thoughts, but if any thing can mean or be anything then everything becomes meaningless and communication breaks down. I want to be able to communicate without the tension of the constant triggers stemming from diversity of thought.

I don't believe people should be afraid to not tolerate things. No one tolerates absolute evil. Unjust deaths, needless violence, an absolute cremation of care... I want to be surrounded by people who care and things that truly matter. Differences of opinion can be tolerated but they don't have to be. It begins with respect and it ends with respect, though not absolute respect. People can respect someone and disagree with them.

Kek: So how do you plan on doing that?

Pepe: Reluctantly leading by example.

Kek: Better get in there.

-And with that, the Holy Covfefe departed, and Pepe was left with all the feefees. And they were real.-


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