RIP - debating and polite disagreement.

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

So, since DJT became the US President and the fake news networks et al decided to double and triple down on a narrative based on lies and supposition (seemingly for clicks/$$$ according to the Project Veritas videos), the divide between the average person and even someone slightly aware has grown into a gargantuan canyon.

Where once you might express dislike for someone and be met with a blank stare or a nod of ignorance or complicit understanding, any mention of anything to do with DJT has people repeating fake news headlines and jumping straight to character assassination of DJT firstly, and then of the person that would dare take things at face value.

I see it described on Reddit as Trump Derangement Syndrome, it's an apt title as people have become so consumed by the notion that President Trump is a buffoon or a criminal that no matter what he says or accomplishes they will continue to lash out.

Anyway, as a New Zealander living in Australia it's become very obvious how susceptible we humans are to brainwashing and hysterical news reports be they fake, or be they true.

Ultimately, educated is very different to conditioned - next time you correct someone's pronunciation, spelling or grammar - ask yourself where that compulsion is coming from.

Please bear in mind, this is an observational post and not meant to influence anyone politically, ultimately it's about understanding why we feel a certain way in a given situation - be it a hereditary, conditioned or an educated/practical/common sense response and overcoming our shortcomings to ensure the debates/discussions that we have are eloquent and purposeful while getting the point across without trying to bludgeon people with identity politics or hateful derogatory terms.

Thanks for reading.



Ahh, I see you are more enlightened than many I work with, lol

There are levels to everything - this I am seeing daily having never deep-dived beyond the memes and ostracised counter-culture of The_Donald, I keep to myself in most situations now, no matter how convincing an argument you can put forth, cognitive dissonance is very powerful and something that takes a huge effort to overcome. Many would rather spill blood or shut you out of their lives than face reality. Of course, most days I just want back into The Matrix so I can play my guitar in beautiful, blissful ignorance >.>

Knowledge is power

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