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RE: Trump vs Media - Fire and Fury TwitterStorm Warning

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

Great video! Although I couldn't determine where you fall in the Trump battle, I was impressed by the depth of its detail and scope.
I am seriously and furiously opposed to Trump. The man lacks finesse and his demeanor is decidedly unpresidential. He defends himself by lashing out at others, resorts to profanity and name calling when he can't muster the logic to defend himself, and he is hopelessly obsessed with measuring his own standing in the world.
I have to give him one thing, he is an accomplished demagogue who knows how to appeal to the lower natures of men and women who would rather be right than be better.
I would rate him a 3 out of a possible 10, but only for the sheer dumb luck that landed him in a recovering America.
Having spoken my mind, I will happily share your video far and wide.


P.s. What was great about your video is that it was so balanced and nonpartisan in nature that I couldn't be certain where your loyalties lay. That is good and true journalism.

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