The Metaphysical Case for Supporting TrumpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #trump8 years ago

I’m Donald Trump’s biggest supporter. Yes you read that right. I’m that rare, reasonably articulate individual who thinks a Trump Presidency is a welcome prospect but not for any reasons you may hear in the corporate media. As a British person who cannot vote, I'm relishing the challenge of trying to persuade US voters I meet to vote for him. Most look at me like I’m mad at first but many I win round in the end (if they are open minded). I would not ordinarily advocate voting which I see as symbolising tacit approval for the system at large but this is an opportunity not to be missed. Here’s why I think everyone should start voicing their support for the bigoted, mad buffoon.

Am I the only one who finds a stalwart and leader of the psychopathic global elite in the form of Hillary Clinton much more sinister than its accidental love child Donald Trump who isn’t pulling any strings bar those of his own inflated ego? I find the dynamic of relief at the prospect of a further Clinton Presidency odd given that she has clearly been at the heart of the system orchestrating false flag attacks on its own citizens, destabilising and invading countless countries around the world (in addition to a myriad of other crimes committed both directly and indirectly of the system she represents). Do you really want more of the same without any prospect of change? Is this the sum of our collective vision for the future? Do you approve for example of the announcement this week that the US will be providing record ongoing military and financial support to Israel so that it can maintain its apartheid, genocidal and psychopathic policies against Palestine and its people? This is what Obama and Clinton represent. If you think this is a good thing then by all means keep up with your mocking anti-Trump Facebook posts and stop reading this. Keep telling yourself that the world will be safer under a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

American politics is a charade. It always has been. I cannot be any clearer than that. There are no such things as the Democrats or Republicans. They are fiction. It is the same puppeteer pulling both strings and mocking us in the process by dressing themselves in the cloak of false ideology and fake political rituals to promote its policies of genetically modified foods, the murder of innocents with drones and the pumping (or should that be spraying?) of climate changing chemicals into our atmosphere as harbingers of ‘progress’. The puppeteer pulling all those strings wants a Clinton Presidency. It wants US voters to feel relieved that Trump didn’t get in so they don’t demand change. They want to preserve the status quo. Hillary Clinton is the darling of the global elite and the Queen of that status quo. It just had to be her moment this time around. Realising she would lose against any remotely average candidate, they seized upon Trump for all he is worth knowing that they could just sit back and watch as day after day he made himself more and more unelectable. Clinton just has to stand there (which she is finding increasingly difficult!). It is a one horse race. Unless the reports in the alternative media are true that she snuffed it last week, she will be voted in as the next President elect of the United States come November 9th unless a shift in thinking and of the possibilities takes place.

But if it is the same puppeteer pulling both strings then what difference does it make? Surely it would be better to have the lesser of two evils; the sickly and slightly insane Clinton in charge of the big red button over a TOTALLY insane Donald Trump? You would make a valid point in sane times but these are not such times and anyway, I assure you that Trump will not be allowed anywhere near that button. The people really in charge, the men and women of “the secret societies” as JFK infamously (and ominously for him) referred to them are not that stupid but that is not my answer. My response is bigger picture and it is this; untruth in all its forms always unravels. It is a negative, destructive force which cannot be contained indefinitely. Try to live any lie at any level whether it be personal or global-socio-political, the truth always comes out in the end given time. From a mainstream historical perspective, the collapse of the British Empire, Nazi Germany, Pinochet’s Chile and Apartheid South Africa to highlight a few examples demonstrate that truth and light win out in the end (even if they are just relative by the standards of the time). As it will be eventually for our global economic-political system. A system which requires a perpetual state of war, gross economic and social inequalities, complete environmental degradation, corruption, the suppression of clean renewable energy technologies, unlimited aka suicidal economic growth, poisoned food and water, unsustainable levels of debt (currently standing globally at $230 trillion!) and a completely biased media to keep the people asleep; a system like this built on such rotten foundations will collapse. It is inevitable. It’s just a matter of when. Yes your alarm bells should be ringing.

You might protest that you and your family rely on that system for your healthcare, job and house. There will be hardship and chaos when it falls. Again you would be right but as I said before, it is inevitable. To be clear though, I am not suggesting we embrace some kind of cultish style group suicide mentality of doom. Only untruth will fall away in such a system. Just the bad bits which is the majority in this case. All that which we have built and are developing which is sustainable and harmonious will remain. Those will be the building blocks from which we learn to thrive once again but in union with Nature instead of opposed to it, each other and spirit. The question is do you want to embrace the positive potential of change or do you want to bury your head in the sand until it is too late?

Can we not change the system before it collapses? I used to think and hope that. I thought that by engaging with it, voting and promoting alternative information change might come but switching the doors and giving it a new lick of paint won’t save a house built on quicksand. The seeds of change are already well sown of course amongst brave, free thinking individuals around the world who know that there is nothing more important than community and care for the land but the old will have to be done away with first before these green shoots can reach their potential. When you consider that just 62 people control more than half of the world’s wealth, it all makes sense. This is why irrationality and unreason rule our world. No amount of voting, signing petitions or demonstrating will make the slightest difference when inequality and the stakes of power and vested interest are so high and lopsided toward a tiny few. That global elite will not relinquish their power and wealth anytime soon without a struggle. The only way sudden change might take place is by violent revolution but we all know how those end up. But let us not kid ourselves that this is a viable option. Have you seen the levels of apathy amongst most ‘normal’ people nowadays? It is easy to despair of the ‘sheeple’ but there is no need and anyway, no violent revolution is required. No new system of human cooperation built on the foundations of hatred will have any hope of thriving. Again, untruth is unsustainable. It has no longevity.

The good news is that we don’t actually have to do very much at all. Hope lies in positive inaction, constructive disengagement and personal development of consciousness with all that this creates. We the wakeful can just sit and watch and let the Control System become more and more rabid and frantic in its efforts to keep the wheels of its runaway ‘Mad Max’ bus turning. It will crash and burn but do we want to let that happen when it has consumed every natural resource and polluted the totality of our natural environment?

It is this writer’s opinion that we ALL contributed to creating this system at the level of group consciousness in order for us to learn from our subconscious fears. It is nothing separate. It is a mirror for what we do not address in ourselves. It wasn’t designed by the wicked ‘lizard people’ in an effort to enslave the human race. We made this and we sustain it at every level of our being. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves. Have we though now not learnt our lessons? How much further do we need to take this dangerous mass social experiment? Do we keep going until all the forests have been cut down? When all the seas are polluted quagmires? When there is no life left beyond humans and their genetically modified farm animals? When the air is unbreathable and the clouds deluge the earth in toxic gloop do we finally admit enough is enough? This is the way things are going if we let it. Deep down beneath all your rushing around and displacement activities, do you not feel it too? A sense of hopeless inevitability? Or do you have faith that technology and external ‘progress’ will save the day? It is surely from that external ‘progress’ that it all went wrong when 6,000 years ago we began to wall in and protect excesses of agricultural produce from starving neighbours. Agriculture followed by urbanisation and then ultimately the invention of the phonetic alphabet severed the final tie between ourselves, each other and Nature because we lost even the symbolism of that connection. Surely we don’t need any more ‘progress’ in the conventional sense? We need to finally realise to look inside of ourselves for our redemption but now and again, an opportunity in plain sight and out there does present itself. It isn’t always clear at first. We need to adjust our focus. It can take strange and unlikely forms. It is sent as a decoy to distract us but it unwittingly contains the destructive power of creation. It is the Trojan horse within a Trojan horse.

I suggest to you that a Trump Presidency is just what we need right now. He is a gift, an accident of the global elite to be taken full advantage of. We should milk him for all he is worth. His ineptitude, stupidity and divisiveness will help speed the demise of the house of cards that our economic and political system represents. Under a Trump Presidency CNN, FOX and the BBC will have to work overtime to keep the lid of untruth shut. From ridiculous huge fences to more false flag attacks and orchestrated strange events, news stories will become more and more absurd and unhinged than they already are until finally under Trump, the tide of truth can be held back no more. The system we live in and all its absurdities will be laid totally bare. It will fall apart. Like a Catherine wheel firework it will have spun out of control, burnt itself out and dropped to the floor. Even the deepest sleepers will be violently shaken from his and her stupor.

If this all seems too reckless and ‘anarchic’, please consider that we have EVERYTHING to lose as things currently stand. We therefore having nothing to fear but fear itself because when we have fallen so low as we have, everything from here on up is a bonus. It has been those very fears and insecurities which have been played upon to allow government, religion, control and our economic-political system to thrive. The day our system falls away will be the day we finally all wake up to the myth of imagined authority, separateness, to the potential of our own individual sovereignty and to the power of individual and collective consciousness. We never needed anyone to rule over us and tell us what to do. We never needed government to steal, murder, imprison, commit violence and racketeer (supposedly) for the greater good of the collective. These are acts which we would do not ordinarily do ourselves to each other, not because a law says not to but because we know them to be wrong. Why do we allow government a monopoly on them therefore? In the world I envisage, authority will not automatically be assumed because of imaginary rituals, documents, uniforms and badges. It will be earned through deeds and conduct. It will be realised by every individual inside of him and herself.

Humans do not sit idle. It is not in our nature. Just look around you. We are builders and creators. Humans create systems and just because you may not be able to imagine what that new system may look like, just consider that NOTHING could be worse than what we have today as our mainstay. Anything will be better. Just in the very act of trying and coming together we will rediscover our potential which has been supressed. It will be a journey of self and collective rediscovery. We will all come to experience what a few of us have realised; namely that our power is beyond anything ordinarily imagined. We are divine beings with divine will, brothers and sisters of God (the over-mind), co-creators of this Universe and not an accidental plague set upon this poor, unfortunate planet by the random vagaries of evolution as we are commonly lead to believe by the agenda and dogma driven materialist-reductionists. We will one day look back on these times of darkness in disbelief and horror. How did they do it? How did they produce a system that bad? Why did they work jobs they didn’t need to for worthless pieces of paper or more accurately these days, numbers made up on a screen? Why did they destroy the resources of their planet from which their children’s futures depended? Why did they ever think it a good idea to sever their link with spirit, Nature, each other and basic reason?

A time of transition is upon us. A shift is taking place. Embrace it and the unknown. Have faith in each other. This is nothing but a dream. We are the dreamt and the dreamer. We can change this dream when ever we want. Look beyond the man and the stupid, crass things he says. See the potential of what Trump represents. He has been sent to us as a gift. From destruction there is correspondingly creation. That is the way of Nature and Trump unwittingly reflects that impulse, not to create of course but to destroy which is just what we need right now. ‘Trump the Destroyer!’ It has a certain ring to it don’t you think?

If you have a vote in this election, please vote for him. Start voicing your support for him regardless of whether you have a vote or not. In an insane world, he is the best hope we have right now. Help to hasten the demise of the old ways. Vote Trump!


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