Donald Trump 45th President of the U.S.

in #trump7 years ago

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Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story. Throughout his life he has continually set the standards of business and entrepreneurial excellence, especially with his interests in real estate, sports, and entertainment. Likewise, his entry into politics and public service resulted in the Presidential victory in, miraculously, his first ever run for office.

After graduating from the Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Trump followed in his father’s footsteps as a real estate developer, and he entered the world of real estate development in New York. The Trump signature soon became synonymous with the most prestigious of addresses in Manhattan and subsequently throughout the world. An accomplished author, Mr. Trump has authored over fourteen bestsellers and his first book, The Art of the Deal, in addition to being the #1 book of the year, is considered a business classic.

Mr. Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, and after seventeen Republican contenders suspended their campaigns, he accepted the Republican nomination for President of the United States in July of 2016. Mr. Trump won the election on November 8 of 2016 in the largest electoral college landslide for a Republican in 28 years. He won over 2,600 counties nationwide, the most since President Reagan in 1984. Additionally, he won over 62 million votes in the popular vote, the highest all-time for a Republican nominee. He also won 306 electoral votes, the most for a Republican since George H.W. Bush in 1988. Millions of Americans rallied behind his message of rebuilding our country and disrupting the status quo—this was a truly national victory and a historic movement.

Donald J. Trump campaigned in places he knew Republicans have had difficulty winning—Flint, Michigan, charter schools in inner-city Cleveland, and Hispanic churches in Florida—because he wanted to bring his message of economic empowerment to all Americans. Millions of new Republicans trusted Mr. Trump with their vote because of his focus on delivering prosperity through better trade deals, and as a result there were healthy margins of victory in newly red areas. It is clear that President Trump’s win is one that brought Americans of all backgrounds together, and he is ready to deliver results for the nation on day one and every day of his tenure.

President Trump has been married to his wife, Melania, for twelve years and they are parents to their son, Barron. Additionally, Mr. Trump has four adult children, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany, and eight grandchildren.

The above information was taken from the White House Web Site.

More information about the Presidents of the U.S. can be seen at the following White House Web Site:


people say trump won't become president due to his lack in politics... but he's a smart man

He knows what to do to get this country back on track, i.e., the track that created all of this prosperity that we now enjoy but are slowly losing. He wants to push back on those tyrants who have consistently taken away our freedoms little by little and on a daily basis. MAGA = Make America Great Again. God Bless America!

strange person

It is indeed strange to find someone in the White House who wants America and it citizens to prosper especially after the past thirty - forty years of White House Administrations who don't give a twit whether America's citizens prosper and who only cared to enrich themselves at the cost of average joe citizen. Finally America is back but the liberals, the globalists, the communists, even some of the republicans just cannot stand for the President to take away the punch bowl from which they all have profited except for America's hard working middle class. Yes, it is strange, something most young Americans do not understand, especially after having been brainwashed by their grade school, high school and college teachers that socialism will create prosperity. What they have discovered is that socialism has created poverty. But what do those teachers care since most of them would never be fired for doing a lousy job teaching, especially, the tenured college and university teachers, most of whom have not a clue how the world outside of school works. How sad! It took years but the liberals, commies, and the globalists managed to kill the goose who laid the golden eggs. That goose is now an endangered species. President Trump wants to fix the problem but those brainwashed who cannot think for themselves just don't get it, so they ignorantly protest. If the deep state keeps obstructing this administrations agenda to make America great again we will collapse into a financial depression that will make 1929 look like a birthday party. That is how bad things have gotten under the influence and designs of those in charge for the past 30 -40 years. How very sad. The answer is for Americans to wake up, think for themselves, question the brainwashing media, and their BS, get the facts, question their agenda, follow alternative and truthful news sources since the big media is owned by about 6 people who are united in presenting BS news and half truths (from anonymous sources which is the code word for lies) in order to fool the public. In years gone by the media was owned by hundreds of people not 6. Unfortunately, they were all bought out in order for the 6 to unduly influence the public with their hidden agendas. How very, very sad. WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Support President Trump since he is about the only one in Washington who wants to fix the system so as to benefit the little guy. Sure he is sometimes crude, tough, and rough but so were a lot of his predecessors like Teddy Rough Rider Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson. The time for wimpy-ville is over. It is a new era so we all need to adapt or get steamrolled over by the extreme and dangerous financial realities we now face. The Trump administration is staffed by many financial and economic extremely smart people. If they are unable to fix our pre-depressionary financial and economic problems guess who is going to suffer and pay the price. It won't be will be us. So call your Congressmen and women and tell them to get with the reformation and stop acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. Tell them to face reality and stop worrying about their wallets and start worrying about your wallet for a fresh change of pace.

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