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RE: Trump vs Media - Fire and Fury TwitterStorm Warning

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

Good job at remaining objective in your video - just pointing out the facts is always best. Long time follower on YT, just never commented there because the people on there suck, and because I'm obviously an involved commenter, I always get trolled by the opposition bots so I gave up LOL - so, I'm glad your content is here too.

In response to your questions:

  1. My personal thoughts on Trump are complicated, but it mostly comes down to the fact that I do feel he is best for us, at the moment, out of all we had to choose from. He is an insider somewhat, but I don't think he is supported by those who have been our "ruling class" for what seems like decades. I think he is definitely different as far as his personality goes, and shows very clear narcissistic psychopathic tendencies, but almost all politicians and CEOs do - you have to be a little ruthless to make it to the top. Someone does need to take his Twitter capabilities away, or somehow convince him to take it down a notch, but I do like how he communicates with the public directly via Twitter - if it were left to the media, we'd never hear what he had to say as they all despise him... which, is another reason I think he is our guy - when the media (who are the most brainwashed marionettes in America), hate someone, they're usually someone I take interest in. Also, I think that the increased numbers for jobs and the economy are proving that he knows what he is doing. He is a good businessman, no one can argue that, and I think we forget that this Republic (important word) is a business, and fiscally needs to ran as such. Do I think he's big on individual liberty? No, but I don't think that's our biggest issue at the moment (I feel it is our economy, jobs, education, planning for our future, infrastructure, and foreign policy which needs the most help now). Do I think he's a puppet? Not at all, that's why they all hate him - the media, the democrats, the republicans, insert any "group" here besides the deplorables...

  2. The things I find objectionable are, like I mentioned above, his temperament, but to me personally this is trivial. Who cares what he eats and how he spouts off, his name calling, his Diet Coke - whatever - he's doing more in the Oval Office than anyone else who's been there in my lifetime, and probably even longer than that. Also, I was very upset when he first bombed Syria, as I voted for him with the understanding that we were going to be "putting America first" which is long overdue - and randomly bombing a place with such a quick reaction time and very little intelligence (as we were told by the Trump hating media) is unacceptable. But, as time has gone one I have quit focusing on that because I realize that he and his admin have been under serious attack from all angles from the beginning and we don't know the specifics. He did make it clear that he wouldn't be like other Presidents who announce every move they make and why, so that the opposition has time to prepare or respond before we've even made a move. And according to QAnon (if that is legit) Syria has a huge hand in the corruption here at home, on US soil.

  3. Rating for individual liberty - 5, as I don't see him having my exact views on individual freedoms - with maybe the exception of the fact that I do believe he is trying to make it to where we have the right job opportunities come back to the US which started leaving after NAFTA - and more financial freedom for more families goes a long way in personal freedom in general. I do think that eventually during this term he will do something about all the spying on Americans, which would make me bump my rating up to maybe an 8... someone needs to fix that and get our personal conversations and private thoughts exchanged among ourselves OUT of govs hands.

  4. Rating for his furthering hatred for the ruling class - I believe this is subjective based on individual groups of Americans, and don't think it's really relevant* (explanation at bottom). For right-leaning individuals, I'd say a low, maybe 2 or 3 - they mostly have accepted a "ruling class", at least politically, as you can see by the same ol' GOP candidates getting elected over and over again, just because they're a red ticket - policy or principle hasn't mattered for the Republicans for so ling because they've just been trying to vote defensively for so long. For left-leaning individuals, I'd say 10 - the SJWs of today hate him because he's 1)white 2)male 3) wealthy 4)cocky - which is a result of 1-3. But, here is the catch - the SJWs will act that way about him, then turn around and literally worship HRC, or CREEPY Joe Biden, as if they aren't even a part of the "ruling elite".

The reason I don't think it's relevant is because until we make our elections more fair, it doesn't matter because money, and lots of it, is really all it takes to get elected - so therefore, it will always be a member of the "ruling financial class" who gets elected. To make elections fair 1)they should be ran on blockchain so they cannot be altered and are viewable to the public, 2)all candidates should get the same budget (paid for by US gov) and the same amount of air-time - no fundraising allowed, all this does is leave room for corruption with expected favors from donors. All FCC compliant broadcasters should be required to give equal time to all candidates, period, as part of their broadcasting license, 3)voting should require an ID - I have to show an ID to pick my daughter up from school or buy a bottle of wine (even though I'm clearly over 21), this should not be an issue, and if people cannot afford the $26 state ID fee, or whatever it is, then we need to get a public fund, or non-profits involved to assist those who want to vote but can't afford an ID.


And I almost forgot the most important part of election reform - campaigning needs to be limited to a 6 month, or even 3 month time period. That would force those running to make their policies and points known immediately and there would be less time for mudslinging (which helps no one)... and we are just sick to death of the perpetual campaigning around here - a president will spend half their time trying to get reelected for the next term instead of doing his job.

I was thinking of writing a comment here,however; you said everything I could but much better. I dont usually drop 2 line comments but, spot on. RESPECT

Wow, thank you!

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