Time For Fresh Politics in America!

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

Trump Tax Return.jpg

Given Donald Trump as we know him, I'd think the information disclosed by Nomi Prins' investigative journalism -- published in Tom Dispatch and Consortium News -- would prove far more damaging to Trump than the Democrats wasting time pushing the false anti-Russian narrative. What Prins has highlighted should also inspire authorities to delve deeper into the whole world of finance and its corrupting influence on politics in America.


The Clinton Democrats, by dangerously bogging the nation down with RussiaGate, strategically have flown several balloons on one string, each with its own objective to support Hillary Clinton -- a huge tactical mistake!

  1. Deflect her embarrassing loss to Trump.

  2. Distract attention from the DNC-rigged Democratic Primary and how Bernie Sanders was cheated.

  3. Divert knowledge relative to the truthful content of the Wikileaks exposures.

  4. Dilute the impact of criminal investigations aimed at her email bleachbit controversy, pay-to-play aspects of the Clinton Foundation, violations of the Freedom of Information Act, etc.

  5. Dissuade investigators from probing financial irregularities of her donor base and her devious funding relationship with the DNC.

  6. Distort the public image she was a risky candidate with too much baggage and never should have become the Democratic nominee.

  7. Deepen the public's perception she won the popular vote and, therefore, she should have become America's first female president.

  8. Dislodge any impression she is no longer a viable candidate and keep alive the impression she can run again claiming "I wuz robbed!"


After two years of attempting to paste a Trump to Russia connection here is the sorrowful result: Republicans now lead Democrats in voter registrations! This is pitiful!


Because the Clinton political operatives continue to control the Democratic Party there is no possibility of outreach to the Independent voters. The Clinton Democrats will continue their control over the party by using closed primaries, thus locking out Independents who might want to join the party. This is due to the fact that Bernie Sanders has the support of seven of every 10 Independent voters, and the Democratic leadership opposes Sanders.

Clearly, it's time to put Clinton's donor-based politics out to pasture. She totally has fractured the Democratic Party, continues to deprive the party of any hope for a viable future and she has completely shattered the long-held FDR image that Democrats stand for people and Republicans stand for profits. She possesses a mistaken impression she is entitled to the presidency, almost as if America were a monarchy!

Do you realize that were she elected in 2016 and re-elected in 2020 America would have seen a Bush or a Clinton in nine of 11 presidential administrations? That's not a democracy folks! No citizens in any nation democracy vote like that!

Both Clinton and Trump serve America's Oligarch Enrichment Project. Neither serve the people! It's time for a fresh political outlook in America! Same-oldism only benefits the oligarchy, not the people!

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