We Are All Trumps

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

When Trump got elected he effectively demonstrated the futility of politics. He showed to the world that all it matters is to stimulate people's emotions through exaggeration. He showed that every single president in history did just that and people loved or hated them for the exact same reasons. Democracy, the average level of a given perception, triumphed.

We do the same thing online. We take exaggerated poses for pictures that in no way resemble us in real life. We read news that have to do with extremes, whether those are good or bad. In reality 99.9999% of life happens somewhere in the middle and it is almost never about what we see online or in the news or magazines or any media that chooses to go public for the sake of attention. The new norm has become the extreme view because we are constantly showered by what gets more eyeballs instead of what matters. Here is the catch though; we are constantly glued on screens. We have lost perception of what is normal and what is not. Our feedback for normality is the presentation of extremes.

Trump delivered exactly what embodies every single profile on social media, every single news title, every advertisement on TV. He knew enough about everything to sell the superficial, the emotional. People do not bother about experts, long analysis, intellectualism and confusing boring information. There is such a vast flow of information around us that we simply do not bother anymore. Heck, we even avoid reading articles with thick paragraphs.

We seek the quick fix. Most people have become emotionally immature and superficial spoiled brads due to the vast abundance of everything around us. Our crisis is not material but spiritual. The constant bombardment of excess information has rendered our attention span to be no better than that of a chicken's. Trump simply delivered on those simple market expectations.

Remember. A politician is nothing more than the average behavior, character and ethos of everyone around. In a way, with every election, every single representation, we get exactly what we ask for.


Unlike most people, @kyriacos, I have read your post. I read a lot of posts! Here is an alternative point of view. The professional politician is a relatively new phenomenon. The Member of your Parliament who represented your interests used to be a land owner, farmer, business man, fisherman, grazier, auctioneer, workers representative etc. They were elected becauser they could run a business, they were involved in the fabric of commerce, they could run a budget. They could manage situations with efficacy.
Modern politicians go straight from university into the political system. By and large they are experts at ingesting and regurgitating soundbites.
By and large, they could not run a bath, let alone a country.
Their sole purpose in life is to get power and keep power by means fair or foul.
Britain's Tony Blair was the epitome of this. He rode someone else's shirttails (John Smith) and became the master of spin.
The USA now has a businessman at the helm. He put himself up there because he has watched these pretenders fluffing themselves and preening away like randy peacocks. All they have done is preside over spiralling debt to pay for appalling behaviour since the Bay of Pigs (funnily enough with the exception of Bill Clinton).
Obama's first directive was to close Guantanamo Bay. It is still open.

I hear so many people saying how they HATE Donald Trump. They have never met him. They derive their opinions from publications which warrant zero credibility and they, of course, assume a moral high ground.
What a crock of kaka!
Who do we all think we are to have such a self-righteous grasp on international affairs? Less than 5% of Americans have a passport for goodness sake. Get educated and stop the diet of pap which is wrapped in plasma screens, assuring truth.
My suggestion is that everyone should work out how they have derived an opinion of the President of the United States of America - is it fair?
Let the man execute the Constitution of the USA.
If you have decided that protesting against him is ok, then you are campaigning against the Constitution of the USA.
As you said, 99.99999% happens - the unfortunate consequence of modern society is that originality of thought is as rare as rocking horse shit and taking responsibility is equally hard to find.
So 0.0000001% sells, as sensationalism. Truth is too bland. What people really want to do is moan and then apportion blame through GOSSIP.

I don't see it as an alternative view but complementary. I agree with everything you said. I am actually in favor of Donald Trump if I take into consideration how things rolled out in the U.S political scene. Milo Yiannopoulos expresses the point perfectly. I wrote another post about it as well.


Feeling a bit cynical today, @kyriacos... :) It is a weird world I must admit.

I think you mean brats - "We seek the quick fix. Most people have become emotionally immature and superficial spoiled BRADS due to the vast abundance of everything around us."

yeap. the era of entitlement

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